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| chem. neodymium <Nd> | 29 Neodym {n} <Nd> | |
2 Words: Others |
| ling. Low German {adj} | niederdeutsch <nd.> | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mineral. aeschynite-(Nd) [(Nd,Ce,Ca,Th)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6] | Aeschynit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. agardite-(Nd) [NdCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6?3H2O] | Agardit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. allanite-(Nd) [CaNdAl2Fe2+(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)] | Allanit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. askagenite-(Nd) [MnNdAl2Fe(Si2O7)(SiO4)O2] | Askagenit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. bastnäsite-(Nd) [NdCO3F] | Bastnäsit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. calcioankylite-(Nd) [Ca(Nd,Ce,Gd,Y)3(CO3)4(OH)3·H2O] | Calcioankylit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. carlgieseckeite-(Nd) [NaNdCa3(PO4)3F] | Carlgieseckeit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. chukhrovite-(Nd) [Ca3(Nd,Y)Al2(SO4)F13·12H2O] | Chukhrovit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. churchite-(Nd) [Nd(PO4)·2H2O] | Churchit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. florencite-(Nd) [(Nd,Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)6] | Florencit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. francoisite-(Nd) [(Nd,Y,Sm,Ce)(UO2)3(PO4)2O(OH)·6H2O] [françoisite-(Nd)] | Françoisit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. gysinite-(Nd) [Pb(Nd,La)(CO3)2(OH)·H2O] | Gysinit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. kozoite-(Nd) [(Nd,La) [OH|CO3]] | Kozoit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. Lanthanite-(Nd) [(Nd,La)2(CO3)3·8H2O] | Lanthanit-(Nd) {m} [Mineralgruppe] | |
| mineral. mckelveyite-(Nd) [Na(Ba,Sr)3Ca(Nd,Ce,La) [CO3]6·3H2O] | Mckelveyit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. monazite-Nd [(Nd,Ce,La,Pr,Sm,Gd)(P,Si)O4] | Monazit-Nd {m} | |
| math. optics photo. natural density <ND> | natürliche Dichte {f} | |
| med. neurodegenerative disease <ND> | neurodegenerative Erkrankung {f} <ND> | |
| med. neuromuscular disease <ND> | neuromuskuläre Krankheit {f} <ND> | |
| pol. New Democracy <ND> [Greece, Nea Dimokratia] | Neue Demokratie {f} | |
| VetMed. Newcastle disease <ND> | atypische Geflügelpest {f} [fachspr.] [Newcastle-Krankheit] | |
| VetMed. Newcastle disease <ND> | Newcastle-Krankheit {f} <NK> | |
| mineral. nioboaeschynite-(Nd) [(Nd,Ce)(Nb,Ti)2(O,OH)6] | Nioboaeschynit-(Nd) {m} | |
| non-drinker <ND> | Nichttrinker {m} <NT> | |
| geogr. North Dakota <ND> [Peace Garden State, Sioux State] | Norddakota {n} [US-Bundesstaat] | |
| geogr. North Dakota <ND> [Peace Garden State, Sioux State] | North Dakota {n} [US-Bundesstaat] | |
| EU pol. Northern Dimension <ND> | Nördliche Dimension {f} <ND> | |
| jobs med. nursing director <ND> [female] | Pflegedirektorin {f} <PDir.> | |
| mineral. retziane-(Nd) [Mn2(Nd,Ce,La)(AsO4)(OH)4] | Retzian-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. rhabdophane-(Nd) [(Nd,Ce,La)PO4·H2O] | Rhabdophan-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. schuilingite-(Nd) [PbCu(Nd,Gd,Sm,Y)(CO3)3(OH)·1.5 H2O] | Schuilingit-(Nd) {m} | |
| med. secondary diagnosis | Nebendiagnose {f} <ND> | |
| mineral. shabaite-(Nd) [Ca(Nd,Y)2(UO2)(CO3)4(OH)2·6H2O] | Shabait-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. synchisite-(Nd) [Ca(Nd,La) [F|(CO3)2]] | Synchisit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. tundrite-(Nd) [Na3(Nd,La)4(Ti,Nb)2(SiO4)2(CO3)3O4(OH)·2H2O] | Tundrit-(Nd) {m} | |
| mineral. wakefieldite-(Nd) [NdVO4] | Wakefieldit-(Nd) {m} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mineral. fergusonite-beta-(Nd) [(Nd,Ce)NbO4] | Fergusonit-beta-(Nd) {m} | |
| tech. low-pressure casting <LP casting> | Niederdruckguss {m} <ND> | |
| optics photo. neutral density filter <ND filter> | Neutraldichtefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}] <ND-Filter> | |