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 | gastr. plain {adj} | 15 nature [ohne besondere Zutaten/Zusätze] [meist nachgestellt] |  |
 | nature {adj} [attr.] [e.g. deity, film, lover, mysticism, park, photographer, poetry] | Natur- [z. B. Gottheit, Film, Freund, Mystik, Park, Fotograf, Dichtung] |  |
Nouns |
 | nature | 1851 Natur {f} |  |
 | nature [character] | 879 Wesen {n} |  |
 | nature [character] | 852 Eigenschaft {f} |  |
 | nature | 811 Art {f} [Wesen] |  |
 | nature [quality] | 811 Beschaffenheit {f} |  |
 | nature | 754 Charakter {m} |  |
 | nature [character] | 97 Veranlagung {f} [Charakter, Art] |  |
 | nature [disposition] | 50 Gemüt {n} [Charakter] |  |
 | nature [disposition] | 25 Besonderheit {f} [Veranlagung] |  |
 | nature [character] | 22 Eigenart {f} |  |
 | nature [character] | 21 Wesensart {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | against nature {adv} | gegen die Natur |  |
 | against nature {adv} | wider die Natur |  |
 | against nature {adj} [postpos.] | widernatürlich |  |
 | gastr. au naturel {adj} {adv} | nature |  |
 | beyond nature {adj} | übermenschlich |  |
 | by nature {adv} | von Haus aus [von Natur aus] |  |
 | by nature {adv} | von Hause aus [Redewendung] [von Natur aus] |  |
 | by nature {adv} | von Natur aus |  |
 | by nature {adv} [e.g. passionate by nature] | von Natur [von Natur / Hause aus] |  |
 | in nature {adv} [actually existing] | in der Wirklichkeit |  |
 | in nature {adv} [rare] [by nature] | von Natur aus [dem Wesen nach] |  |
 | Nature awakes. | Die Natur erwacht. |  |
 | ecol. nature-compatible {adj} | naturverträglich |  |
 | nature-conform {adj} | naturgerecht |  |
 | nature-conscious {adj} | naturbewusst |  |
 | ecol. nature-friendly {adj} | naturverträglich |  |
 | nature-identical {adj} | naturidentisch |  |
 | nature-loving {adj} | naturbegeistert |  |
 | nature-related {adj} | naturbezogen |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to ease (nature) [to answer the call of nature] | sichAkk. erleichtern [seine Notdurft verrichten] |  |
 | to enjoy nature | die (freie) Natur genießen |  |
 | to experience nature | die Natur erfahren |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | myth. (nature) sprite | Naturgeist {m} |  |
 | absolute nature | Absolutheit {f} |  |
 | adventurous nature | Abenteurernatur {f} [Neigung] |  |
 | animal nature | tierische Wesensart {f} |  |
 | philos. anti-nature [also: antinature] | Widernatur {f} |  |
 | basic nature [of humans, dogs, matter, etc.] | Grundcharakter {m} [Grundeigenschaften] |  |
 | law binding nature | Verbindlichkeit {f} |  |
 | boy nature | knabenhaftes Wesen {n} |  |
 | cheerful nature | Frohnatur {f} |  |
 | childlike nature | kindliches Wesen {n} |  |
 | class nature | Klassennatur {f} |  |
 | closed nature | Geschlossenheit {f} |  |
 | comical nature | komisches Wesen {n} |  |
 | compelling nature | Stringenz {f} |  |
 | compensatory nature [compensatory character] | Entschädigungscharakter {m} |  |