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| – |
 | natural {adj} | 1383 natürlich |  |
 | natural {adj} | 1379 selbstverständlich |  |
 | gastr. natural {adj} [lemon, orange] | 107 unbehandelt |  |
 | natural {adj} | 45 angeboren |  |
 | natural {adj} [person] | 39 urig |  |
 | natural {adj} | 35 naturbelassen |  |
 | natural {adj} | 21 naturgemäß |  |
 | natural {adj} | 13 unbefangen |  |
 | natural {adj} | 12 naturbedingt |  |
 | natural {adj} | 11 naturgegeben |  |
 | natural {adj} | 8 naturhaft [geh.] |  |
 | natural {adj} | kreatürlich [naturhaft] |  |
 | natural {adj} | ungekünstelt |  |
 | natural {adj} | von Geburt an |  |
 | natural {adj} [born out of wedlock] | unehelich |  |
 | natural {adj} [e.g. assets, bristles, casing, constant, disaster, event] | Natur- [z. B. Güter, Borsten, Darm, Konstante, Katastrophe, Ereignis] |  |
 | natural {adj} [free from affectation or constraint] [manner, person, etc] | urwüchsig [Art, Mensch usw.] |  |
 | natural {adj} [unspoiled] [person] | unverbildet [natürlich] |  |
Nouns |
 | natural [person] | 258 Naturtalent {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | mus. natural | 31 Auflösungszeichen {n} |  |
 | mus. natural | 24 Untertaste {f} |  |
 | natural [dated] [pej.] | 8 Einfaltspinsel {m} |  |
 | mus. natural | weiße Taste {f} [Klavier] |  |
 | natural [Irish or archaic] [pej.] [idiot] | Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Act natural! [coll.] | Benimm dich unauffällig! |  |
 | all-natural {adj} | naturrein |  |
 | more natural {adj} | naturgemäßer |  |
 | most natural {adj} | naturgemäßeste |  |
 | most natural {adj} | natürlichste |  |
 | natural history {adj} | naturhistorisch |  |
 | natural history {adj} | naturkundlich |  |
 | natural-colored {adj} [Am.] | naturfarben |  |
 | natural-coloured {adj} [Br.] | naturfarben |  |
 | natural-historical {adj} | naturgeschichtlich |  |
 | natural-looking {adj} | natürlich aussehend |  |
 | natural-looking {adj} | natürlich wirkend |  |
 | near-natural {adj} | naturnah |  |
 | nearly natural {adj} | naturnah |  |
 | non-natural {adj} | naturfremd |  |
 | non-natural {adj} | nichtnatürlich |  |
 | non-natural {adj} | unnatürlich |  |
 | non-natural {adj} | nicht natürlich |  |
 | not natural {adj} | naturfremd |  |
 | only natural {adj} | nur allzu natürlich |  |
 | quite natural {adj} | ganz selbstverständlich |  |
 | semi-natural {adj} | halbnatürlich |  |
 | sth. is natural. | etw. ist Natur. |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | (natural) instinct | Naturtrieb {m} [veraltend] |  |
 | spec. natural acquisition [e.g. acquisition of something, e.g. language, in a natural, unregulated environment] | natürlicher Erwerb {m} [ungesteuerter Erwerb von etwas in einer natürlichen Umgebung, z. B. Sprache] |  |
 | natural advantage | natürlicher Vorteil {m} |  |