Dictionary English German: narrow waisted

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narrow-waisted {adj}mit schmaler Taille [nachgestellt]
entom. T
Partial Matches
cloth. waisted {adj}tailliert
cloth. high-waisted {adj}hochtailliert
cloth. wasp-waisted corset [torselette]Torselett {n}
tech. waisted shanktaillierter Schaft {m} [z. B. Schraube]
low-waisted {adj} [trousers, pants, skirt]mit tiefer Taille [nachgestellt]
narrow {adj}begrenzt
narrow {adj}knapp
to narrowbeschränken
to narroweinengen
to narroweinschränken
to narrowschmälern
to narrowverschmälern
narrow {adj}eng begrenzt
narrow {adj}schmal [eng]
to narrowsich verengen
cloth. narrow brimmed {adj}schmalkrempig
tech. narrow-band {adj}schmalbandig
narrow-based {adj}schmalfüßig
narrow-chested {adj}schmalbrüstig
narrow-edged {adj}schmalrandig
rail narrow-gauge {adj}Schmalspur-
rail narrow-gauge {adj}schmalspurig
rail narrow-gauged {adj}schmalspurig
zool. narrow-headed {adj}schmalköpfig
narrow-hipped {adj}schmalhüftig
bot. narrow-leaved {adj}schmalblättrig
narrow-minded {adj}borniert
narrow-minded {adj}engherzig
narrow-minded {adj}engstirnig
narrow-minded {adj}kleinbürgerlich
narrow-minded {adj}voreingenommen
narrow-mindedly {adv}engstirnig
narrow-necked {adj}enghalsig
narrow-shouldered {adj}schmalschulterig
narrow-shouldered {adj}schmalschultrig
orn. narrow-winged {adj}schmalflügelig
to narrow downeinengen
narrow aisleSchmalgang {m}
narrow edgeSchmalseite {f}
narrow eyesSchlitzaugen {pl}
rail narrow gaugeSchmalspur {f}
narrow pathWeglein {n}
narrow placeEngstelle {f}
narrow roadSträßchen {n}
narrow roadSträßlein {n}
narrow sideSchmalseite {f}
narrow streetSträßchen {n}
geogr. narrow valleyEngtal {n}
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