Dictionary English German: multi programming

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SEE ALSO  multiprogramming
multi-programmingMehrprogrammbetrieb {m}
comp. multi-paradigm programming languageMultiparadigmen-Programmiersprache {f}
Partial Matches
electr. mus. multieffect / multi-effect processorMultieffektprozessor / Multi-Effekt-Prozessor {m}
med. multi-centre study [Br.]Multi-Center-Studie {f}
MedTech. multi-energy computed tomography <multi-energy CT>Multi-Energy-Computertomographie {f} <Multi-Energy-CT>
comp. multi-head technologyMulti-Head-Technologie {f} [Arbeiten mit mehreren Monitoren]
multitrait-multimethod matrix <MTMM>Multi-Trait-Multi-Method-Matrix {f}
spec. goal programmingGoal-Programming {n} [Zielprogrammierung]
comp. multi-factor authentication <MFA>Multi-Faktor-Authentisierung {f} <MFA>
med. multi-center study [Am.]Multi-Center-Studie {f}
comp. multi-core processor <MCP>Multi-Core-Prozessor {m}
comp. multi-monitor configurationMulti-Monitor-Konfiguration / Multimonitorkonfiguration {f}
comp. multi-user system <MUS>Multi-User-Arbeitsplatz {m}
material tech. multi-material jointMulti-Material-Verbindung {f}
comp. multi-sensor data fusion <MSDF>Multi-Sensor-Datenfusion {f} <MSDF>
comp. electr. programming {adj}Programmier-
programming {adj} {pres-p}programmierend
programmingProgrammgestaltung {f}
comp. programmingProgrammieren {n}
comp. programmingProgrammiertätigkeit {f}
programmingProgrammierung {f}
comp. symmetrical multi-threading <SMT>symmetrisches Multi-Threading {n} <SMT>
comp. tech. programming {sg}Programmierungen {pl}
comp. application programmingAnwendungsprogrammierung {f}
comp. computer programmingComputerprogrammierung {f}
comp. constraint programmingConstraintprogrammierung {f}
comp. database programmingDatenbankprogrammierung {f}
double programmingZweiprogrammverarbeitung {f}
comp. extreme programmingExtremprogrammierung {f}
acad. comp. logic programmingLogikprogrammierung {f}
comp. macro programmingMakroprogrammierung {f}
mask programmingMaskenprogrammierung {f}
pre-programmingVorprogrammieren {n}
tech. programming adapterProgrammieradapter {m}
comp. programming buttonProgrammiertaste {f}
electr. games tech. programming cardProgrammierkarte {f}
comp. programming codeProgrammiercode {m}
electr. programming connectorProgrammierstecker {m}
programming costsProgrammierkosten {pl}
educ. programming courseProgrammierkurs {m}
tech. programming deviceProgrammiergerät {n}
programming effortProgrammieraufwand {m}
comp. programming environmentProgrammierumgebung {f}
comp. programming errorProgrammierfehler {m}
comp. programming expenditureProgrammieraufwand {m}
comp. programming flowchartProgrammablaufplan {m}
comp. programming flowchartProgrammflussdiagramm {n}
comp. programming gameProgrammierspiel {n}
comp. programming guidelineProgrammierrichtlinie {f}
comp. programming handbookProgrammierhandbuch {n}
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