Dictionary English German: movie

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NOUN   a movie | movies
NOUN   das/der Movie | die Movies
film movie {adj} [attr.] [esp. Am.]
film movie {adj} [attr.] [esp. Am.] [e.g. ticket, trailer, screen]
Kino- [z. B. Karte, Trailer, Leinwand]
film movie [esp. Am.]
Film {m} [Kinofilm]
film movie [Am.]
Streifen {m} [ugs.]
film movie [esp. Am.]
Movie {n} {m}
film B-movieB-Movie {n}
film B-moviezweitklassiger Film {m}
film movie [esp. Am.] [cinema film]Kinofilm {m}
2 Words: Others
film movie-struck {adj}kinobegeistert
2 Words: Nouns
film action movie [esp. Am.]Actionfilm {m}
film adventure movie [esp. Am.]Abenteuerfilm {m}
film adventure movie [esp. Am.]Abenteurerfilm {m} [seltener für: Abenteuerfilm]
film animated movieAnimationsfilm {m}
film animation movieAnimationsfilm {m}
film art movie [Am.]Kunstfilm {m}
film auteur movieAutorenfilm {m}
film blockbuster movieKassenschlager {m}
film blue movie [coll.]Pornofilm {m} [ugs.]
film blue movie [coll.]Blue Movie {m} {n} [ugs.]
film caper movieGaunerkomödie {f}
comics film cartoon movieAnimationsfilm {m}
Christmas movie [esp. Am.]Weihnachtsfilm {m}
film classic movieFilmklassiker {m}
film comedy movieFilmkomödie {f}
film compilation movie [esp. Am.]Kompilationsfilm {m}
film crime movie [esp. Am.]Krimi {m}
film crime movie [esp. Am.]Kriminalfilm {m}
film cult movie [esp. Am.]Kultfilm {m}
film dance movieTanzfilm {m}
film dancing movieTanzfilm {m}
film defamatory movieSchmähfilm {m}
film disaster movieKatastrophenfilm {m}
film documentary movie [Am.]Dokumentarfilm {m}
film erotic movieErotikfilm {m}
film fairytale movieMärchenfilm {m}
film family movie [Am.]Familienfilm {m}
film fantasy movieFantasyfilm {m}
film fantasy movieFantasy-Film {m}
film fave movie [esp. Am.] [coll.]Lieblingsfilm {m}
film favorite movie [Am.]Lieblingsfilm {m}
film favourite movie [Br.]Lieblingsfilm {m}
film feminist movieFrauenfilm {m}
film gangster movie [esp. Am.]Gangsterfilm {m}
film genre movieGenrefilm {m}
film gothic movieGruselfilm {m}
educ. film graduation movie [esp. Am.]Abschlussfilm {m} [als Abschlussarbeit]
film Hollywood movieHollywoodfilm {m}
film Hollywood movieHollywood-Film {m}
film home movieAmateurfilm {m}
film horror movie [esp. Am.]Horrorfilm {m}
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