Dictionary English German: moth eaten

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ADJ   moth-eaten | more moth-eaten | most moth-eaten
SYNO   cold | dusty | moth-eaten | stale ... 
moth-eaten {adj}mottenzerfressen
moth-eaten {adj} [shabby-looking] [fig.]schäbig [wie von Motten zerfressen]
Partial Matches
eaten {adj} {past-p}gefressen
eaten {adj} {past-p}gegessen
eaten up {adj} {past-p}aufgegessen
half-eaten {adj}halb aufgegessen
maggot-eaten {adj}madig
worm-eaten {adj}madig
worm-eaten {adj}von Würmern gefressen [wörtlich übersetzt]
worm-eaten {adj}wurmstichig
eaten up {past-p} [sweets]vernascht [aufgenascht]
without having eaten {adv}ungegessen [ugs.] [bes. südd.] [ohne gegessen zu haben]
unmouse-eaten {adj} [rare] [obs.]nicht von Mäusen aufgefressen
sth. has / had eatenetw. hat / hatte gefressen
proverb Eat or be eaten.Fressen oder gefressen werden.
educ. gastr. sandwich eaten during breakSchulbrot {n}
sb./sth. has / had eatenjd./etw. hat / hatte gegessen
eaten by a tiger {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]von einem Tiger aufgefressen [nachgestellt]
gastr. sandwich eaten during recess [Am.]Pausenbrot {n}
educ. gastr. sandwich eaten during recess [Am.]Schulbrot {n}
to be eaten up (with grief)sich (vor Kummer) verzehren [geh.]
to be eaten up with envy [idiom]von Neid zerfressen sein [Redewendung]
to be eaten up with sth. [fig.] [worn down]von etw. aufgefressen werden [ugs.] [fig.] [zermürbt werden]
eaten away by sulphur fumes {adj} {past-p} [of flesh] [Br.]von Schwefeldämpfen verätzt
proverb He that makes himself a sheep, shall be eaten by the wolf.Wer sich zum Schaf macht, den fressen die Wölfe.
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
lit. quote I have eaten so much, not a leaf more I'll touch, meh! meh! [the goat in "The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack" (Grimm Brothers)]Ich bin so satt, ich mag kein Blatt: Mäh! Mäh! [die Ziege in "Tischlein deck' dich, Esel streck' dich und Knüppel aus dem Sack" (Brüder Grimm)]
entom. T
entom. T
Motte {f}
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
moth-proof {adj}mottenfest
moth-resistant {adj}mottenbeständig
moth-resistant {adj}mottenecht
moth-resistant {adj}mottenfest
to moth-proofmottenfest machen
moth controlMottenbekämpfung {f}
moth damageMottenfraß {m}
cloth. entom. moth holesSchabenlöcher {pl} [südd.] [schweiz.] [Mottenfraß]
moth powderMottenpulver {n}
moth repellentMottenschutz {m} [Mottenabwehr]
moth trapMottenfalle {f}
entom. FoodInd. T
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