Dictionary English German: moose

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NOUN   a moose | moose
SYNO   Alces alces | European elk | elk ... 
NOUN   das Moos | die Moose [Plural: Pflanzenarten]
zool. T
zool. T
Elche {pl}
bot. T
Moose {pl}
zool. T
gastr. moose [obs.] [rare] [stewed vegetables; a dish of this]geschmortes Gemüse {n} [auch: gedünstetes Gemüse]
2 Words: Nouns
bot. acrocarpous mossesakrokarpe Moose {pl}
zool. bull mooseElchbulle {m}
bot. cladocarpous mosseskladokarpe Moose {pl}
zool. cow mooseElchkuh {f}
hunting zool. moose antlers {pl} [set or pair]Elchgeweih {n}
automot. moose bumper [Can.] [bull bars]Hirschfänger {m} [Frontschutzbügel]
zool. moose calf [esp. Am.]Elchkalb {n}
zool. moose feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Elchkot {m}
hunting moose huntElchjagd {f}
moose leather [esp. Am.]Elchleder {n}
gastr. moose meatElchfleisch {n}
zool. moose population [esp. Am.]Elchpopulation {f} [auch: Elch-Population]
hunting weapons moose rifleElchbüchse {f}
hunting zool. moose scatElchlosung {f}
zool. moose skull [esp. Am.]Elchschädel {m}
transp. moose testElchtest {m}
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to be hung like a horse / moose [sl.]einen Schwanz wie ein Hengst haben [ugs.] [vulg.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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