Dictionary English German: monopoly

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NOUN   a monopoly | monopolies
NOUN   (das) Monopoly | -
econ. monopoly
Monopol {n}
Monopolstellung {f}
Alleinverkaufsrecht {n}
Alleinverkauf {m}
games Monopoly [game]
Monopoly {n}
2 Words: Others
anti-monopoly {adj}antimonopolistisch
monopoly-like {adj}monopolartig
2 Words: Nouns
absolute monopolyabsolutes Monopol {n}
absolute monopolyreines Monopol {n}
absolute monopolyvollkommenes Monopol {n}
econ. absolute monopolyuneingeschränkt marktbeherrschende Stellung {f}
RadioTV broadcasting monopolySendemonopol {n}
RadioTV broadcasting monopoly [radio]Rundfunkmonopol {n}
comm. commercial monopolyHandelsmonopol {n}
admin. fin. pol. fiscal monopolySteuermonopol {n}
econ. pol. government monopolyStaatsmonopol {n}
comm. import monopolyEinfuhrmonopol {n}
information monopolyInformationsmonopol {n}
letter monopolyBriefmonopol {n}
mail monopolyPostmonopol {n}
market monopolyMarktmonopol {n}
monopoly commissionMonopolkommission {f}
monopoly companyMonopolgesellschaft {f}
monopoly positionMonopolstellung {f}
econ. monopoly powerMonopolmacht {f}
monopoly priceMonopolpreis {m}
monopoly profitMonopolgewinn {m}
econ. monopoly profitsMonopolrenten {pl}
monopoly revenuesMonopoleinnahmen {pl}
law monopoly rightMonopolrecht {n}
econ. natural monopolynatürliches Monopol {n}
pol. party's monopolyParteimonopol {n}
perfect monopolyreines Monopol {n}
postal monopolyPostmonopol {n}
pure monopolyabsolutes Monopol {n}
quasi-monopolyQuasimonopol {n}
comm. econ. sales monopolyAbsatzmonopol {n}
sales monopolyMarktmonopol {n}
comm. econ. sales monopolyVerkaufsmonopol {n}
comm. hist. salt monopolySalzmonopol {n}
econ. state monopolyRegie {f} [veraltet]
state monopolyStaatsmonopol {n}
supply monopolyAngebotsmonopol {n}
supply monopolyVersorgungsmonopol {n}
econ. tobacco monopolyTabakmonopol {n}
trade monopolyHandelsmonopol {n}
virtual monopolyQuasimonopol {n}
comm. water monopolyWassermonopol {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to preserve a monopolyein Monopol wahren
3 Words: Nouns
law anti-monopoly legislationKartellrecht {n}
pol. anti-monopoly policyAntimonopolpolitik {f}
econ. electr. electricity supply monopolyStrommonopol {n}
econ. gas (supply) monopolyGasmonopol {n}
monopoly of interpretationDeutungsmonopol {n}
admin. law monopoly of lawyersJuristenmonopol {n}
monopoly of powerMachtmonopol {n}
educ. monopoly on educationBildungsmonopol {n}
econ. pol. state monopoly capitalism <stamocap>Staatsmonopolkapitalismus {m} <Stamokap>
spec. state monopoly capitalism <stamocap>staatsmonopolistischer Kapitalismus {m} <Stamokap>
4 Words: Verbs
to have the monopoly on sth.etw. für sich gepachtet haben
4 Words: Nouns
comm. hist. monopoly on salt tradeSalzregal {n}
hist. state monopoly on matchesZündwarenmonopol {n}
5+ Words: Others
idiom He seems to have a monopoly on bad luck.Er scheint das Pech abonniert zu haben. [fig.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to claim to have a monopolybehaupten, ein Monopol zu besitzen
idiom to have a monopoly on the truthdie Wahrheit (für sich) gepachtet haben
idiom to have no monopoly on the truthdie Wahrheit nicht gepachtet haben
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. (the state's) monopoly on the use of forceGewaltmonopol {n} (des Staates)
law pol. monopoly on legitimate use of forcestaatliches Gewaltmonopol {n}
law pol. state monopoly on legitimate violenceGewaltmonopol {n} des Staates
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