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|  |
 | me {pron} [indirect object] | 1875 mir |  |
 | us {pron} [coll.] [me] | 29 mir |  |
 | we {pron} | 24 mir [südd.] [ugs.] [wir] |  |
 | to me {pron} | mir |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Answer me! | Antworte mir! |  |
 | at my place {adv} | bei mir [bei mir zu Hause] |  |
 | in my case {adv} | bei mir [in meinem Fall] |  |
 | with me [as in "With me it's different."] | bei mir [wie in "Bei mir ist das anders."] |  |
 | Internet Like [button on Facebook] | Gefällt mir |  |
 | Gimme ... [nonstandard] [Give me ...] | Gib mir ... |  |
 | idiom Sock it to me! | Gib's mir! |  |
 | Bring me ... | Hole mir ... |  |
 | Meh. [I don't care] [coll.] | Mir egal. |  |
 | Whatever. [coll.] | Mir egal. [ugs.] |  |
 | hostile to me | mir feind [veraltend, literarisch] |  |
 | hostile to me | mir Feind [veraltend, literarisch] [alt] |  |
 | friendly with me | mir freund [veraltend, literarisch] |  |
 | friendly with me | mir Freund [veraltend, literarisch] [alt] |  |
 | I am fine with sb./sth. | Mir gefällt jd./etw. |  |
 | I own sth. [possess] | Mir gehört etw. |  |
 | Follow me! | Mir nach! |  |
 | convenient for me {adj} [postpos.] | mir passend |  |
 | I'm in a hurry. | Mir pressierts. [bes. südd., österr. u. schweiz.] [Ich habe es eilig.] |  |
 | That's my lot! | Mir reicht's! |  |
 | That's it. | Mir reicht's. |  |
 | That's enough for me. | Mir reicht's. |  |
 | I feel dizzy. | Mir schwindelt. [seltener: Mich schwindelt.] |  |
 | I'm cheesed off! [Br.] [coll.] | Mir stinkts! [ugs.] |  |
 | beyond my grasp {adj} [postpos.] | mir unbegreiflich |  |
 | beside me | neben mir |  |
 | at my side {adv} | neben mir |  |
 | next to me | neben mir |  |
 | Trust me. | Vertrau mir. |  |
 | on my part {adv} | von mir [meinerseits] |  |
 | because of me {prep} | wegen mir [südd., österr., schweiz. für: meinetwegen] |  |
 | Woe is me! [archaic] | Weh mir! |  |
 | Woe is me! [archaic] | Wehe mir! |  |
 | Come over here! | Zu mir! [Militärbefehl] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be mine | mir gehören |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | My respect for ... | ... lob ich mir. |  |
 | anyone but me | alle außer mir |  |
 | at my house | bei mir daheim |  |
 | in my home | bei mir daheim |  |
 | in my house | bei mir daheim |  |
 | at my place {adv} | bei mir daheim [bes. südd., österr. u. schweiz.] |  |
 | at my home {adv} | bei mir daheim [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.] |  |
 | mil. Regroup on me! | Bei mir sammeln! |  |
 | at my place | bei mir zuhause |  |
 | Stay with me! | Bleib bei mir! |  |
 | I thought so. | Dachte ich mir. |  |