Dictionary English German: milk

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English German
NOUN1   a milk | milks
NOUN2   milk | -
VERB  to milk | milked | milked ... 
SYNO   Milk | Milk River
milk {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bottle, bar, chocolate, allergy, teeth]
Milch- [z. B. Flasche, Bar, Schokolade, Allergie, Zähne]
to milk sth. [coll.] [fig.]
etw. ausnutzen
agr. to milk sth.
etw. melken
to milk sth. [coll.] [e.g. a story in the papers]
etw.Akk. ausschlachten [Thema usw.] [ugs.]
to milk sb. [fig.]
jdn. schröpfen [fig.]
to milk sb. [fig.]
jdn. melken [ugs.] [schröpfen]
agr. to milk [produce milk (animal)]milchen [regional] [Milch geben (Tier)]
agr. to milk [produce milk (animal)]Milch geben [Tier]
agr. biol. gastr. milk
Milch {f}
agr. VetMed. milkGemelk {n} [fachspr.]
spec. milk {sg}Milche {pl} [fachspr.] [Sorten, Arten von Milch]
2 Words: Others
milk-based {adj}auf Milchbasis [nachgestellt]
milk-filled {adj}milchgefüllt
milk-free {adj}milchfrei
gastr. milk-like {adj}milchartig
milk-producing {adj} {pres-p}milcherzeugend
agr. bot. milk-ripe {adj} [grain, maize]milchreif [Korn, Mais]
milk-warm {adj} [obs.] [warm as fresh-drawn milk, tepid]milchwarm [veraltet] [lauwarm]
milk-white {adj}milchweiß
milk-white {adj}schneeweiß
sb. would milkjd. melkte
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to add milkMilch hinzufügen
FoodInd. to churn milkbuttern
agr. to produce milk [animal]Milch geben [Tier]
to separate milkMilch zentrifugieren
to spill milkMilch verschütten
to sterilize milkMilch sterilisieren
agr. to yield milk [animal]Milch geben [Tier]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. accredited milkMarkenmilch {f}
gastr. med. acidophilus milkAcidophilusmilch {f}
gastr. acidophilus milkSauermilch {f}
gastr. adulterate milkgepanschte Milch {f}
gastr. adulterated milkverfälschte Milch {f}
biol. after-milkNachmilch {f}
FoodInd. gastr. almond milkMandelmilch {f}
ass's milkEselmilch {f}
ass's milkEselsmilch {f}
gastr. avocado milkAvocadomilch {f}
gastr. avocado milkAvokadomilch {f}
FoodInd. baby milk [Br.] [infant formula]Babymilch {f}
gastr. banana milkBananenmilch {f}
gastr. blackcurrant milkJohannisbeermilch {f}
gastr. blueberry milkBlaubeermilch {f}
gastr. blueberry milkHeidelbeermilch {f}
cosmet. body milkKörpermilch {f}
FoodInd. bottled milkFlaschenmilch {f}
biol. breast milkBrustmilch {f}
biol. VetMed. breast milkMuttermilch {f}
gastr. buffalo milkBüffelmilch {f}
buffalo's milkBüffelmilch {f}
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