Dictionary English German: mechanics

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
NOUN1   a mechanic | mechanics
NOUN2   mechanics | -
SYNO   mechanics | mechanism
acad. phys. mechanics2 [treated as sg.]
Mechanik {f} [Wissenschaft, Maschinenkunde]
mechanics1 {pl}
Funktionsweise {f}
Handwerker {pl}
tech. mechanics2 {pl} [treated as sg.]Bewegungslehre {f} [Mechanik]
2 Words: Others
soil mechanics {adj}bodenmechanisch
2 Words: Nouns
engin. applied mechanics [treated as sg.]Technische Mechanik {f}
body mechanics {pl}Körpermechanik {f}
phys. Bohmian mechanics [treated as sg.] [de Broglie-Bohm theory]bohmsche Mechanik {f} [De-Broglie-Bohm-Theorie]
med. breathing mechanics [treated as sg.]Atemmechanik {f}
acad. astron. celestial mechanics {pl} [treated as sg.]Himmelsmechanik {f}
phys. classical mechanics [treated as sg.]klassische Mechanik {f}
material contact mechanics {pl} [treated as sg.]Kontaktmechanik {f}
phys. continuum mechanicsKontinuumsmechanik {f}
engin. damage mechanics {pl} [treated as sg.]Schädigungsmechanik {f}
engin. engineering mechanics [treated as sg.]Technische Mechanik {f}
engin. experimental mechanics [treated as sg.]experimentelle Mechanik {f}
fine mechanicsFeinmechanik {f}
flight mechanicsBordmechaniker {pl}
flight mechanicsFlugmechanik {f}
phys. fluid mechanics [treated as sg.]Fluidmechanik {f}
phys. fluid mechanics [treated as sg.]Strömungslehre {f}
engin. fluid mechanics [treated as sg.]Strömungsmechanik {f}
fluid mechanics [treated as sg.]Strömungstechnik {f}
fracture mechanics [treated as sg.]Bruchmechanik {f}
phys. Hamiltonian mechanics [generally treated as sg.]hamiltonsche Mechanik {f}
automot. tech. mechanics creeperMontagerollbrett {n}
phys. Newtonian mechanics [treated as sg.]Newton'sche Mechanik {f}
phys. Newtonian mechanics [treated as sg.]newtonsche Mechanik {f}
astron. orbital mechanicsOrbitalmechanik {f}
precision mechanicsFeinmechanik {f}
precision mechanicsFeinwerktechnik {f}
phys. quantum mechanics [treated as sg.]Quantenmechanik {f}
geol. rock mechanicsGebirgsmechanik {f}
geol. rock mechanics [treated as sg.]Gesteinsmechanik {f}
constr. engin. soil mechanics [treated as sg.]Bodenmechanik {f}
phys. solid mechanics [treated as sg.]Festkörpermechanik {f}
statistical mechanicsstatistische Mechanik {f}
material structural mechanics [usually treated as sg.]Strukturmechanik {f}
engin. structure mechanics [treated as sg.]Strukturmechanik {f}
phys. theoretical mechanics [treated as sg.]theoretische Mechanik {f}
phys. acad. wave mechanics [functions as a singular]Wellenmechanik {f}
3 Words: Nouns
engin. material mechanics [treated as sg.] of solidsFestkörpermechanik {f}
mechanics of fluidsFluidmechanik {f}
engin. material mechanics of materialsFestigkeitslehre {f}
phys. tech. rigid-body mechanics [treated as sg.] [also: rigid body mechanics]Starrkörpermechanik {f}
4 Words: Nouns
phys. interpretation of quantum mechanicsInterpretation {f} der Quantenmechanik
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. ind. precision mechanics and optics industryfeinmechanische und optische Industrie {f}
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