Dictionary English German: meat

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English German
NOUN1   meat | -
NOUN2   a meat [type of meat] | meats
SYNO   kernel | meat
gastr. meat
Fleisch {n}
gastr. meat [archaic]
Hauptmahlzeit {f}
meat [fig.]
Essenz {f} [Kern, Hauptinhalt]
meat [fig.]
Substanz {f} [Gewicht, Aussagekraft]
meat [sl.] [vulg.] [penis]
Schwanz {m} [vulg.] [Penis]
2 Words: Others
gastr. meat-centric {adj} [of a cuisine or dish]fleischlastig
zool. meat-eating {adj}fleischfressend
zool. meat-eating {adj}karnivor
gastr. meat-free {adj}fleischfrei
FoodInd. meat-processing {adj}Fleisch verarbeitend
gastr. without meat {adj} [postpos.]fleischlos
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to braise meatFleisch dünsten
gastr. to carve meatFleisch schneiden
gastr. to hang meatFleisch abhängen lassen
gastr. to pound meatFleisch klopfen
gastr. to tenderize meat [by hammering]Fleisch plattieren
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. jobs (meat) carverTrancheur {m}
gastr. (meat) jelly [Br.]Sülze {f}
gastr. tools (meat) malletFleischklopfer {m}
gastr. (meat) malletKlopfer {m} [für Fleisch]
gastr. bad meatschlechtes Fleisch {n}
gastr. bear meatBärenfleisch {n}
gastr. bison meatBisonfleisch {n}
gastr. boiled meatGesottenes {n} [regional]
gastr. boiling meatSuppenfleisch {n}
gastr. braised meatGeschmortes {n}
gastr. braised meatSchmorbraten {m}
gastr. breast meatBrustfleisch {n}
gastr. buffalo meatBüffelfleisch {n}
gastr. bush meatWildfleisch {n}
FoodInd. gastr. canned meatBüchsenfleisch {n}
gastr. canned meatDosenfleisch {n}
gastr. cat meatKatzenfleisch {n}
comm. FoodInd. gastr. cheap meatBilligfleisch {n} [pej.]
FoodInd. gastr. cheek meatBackenfleisch {n}
gastr. chicken (meat)Hühnerfleisch {n}
gastr. chicken meatHähnchenfleisch {n}
gastr. chicken meatPouletfleisch {n} [schweiz.] [Hühnerfleisch]
gastr. chilled meatKühlfleisch {n}
gastr. chilled meatgekühltes Fleisch {n}
gastr. coconut meatKokos {n} [essbares Inneres von Kokosnüssen]
gastr. coconut meatKokosfleisch {n}
gastr. coconut meatKokosnussfleisch {n}
gastr. cold meatAufschnitt {m}
gastr. cold meatBratenaufschnitt {m}
gastr. cold meatkaltes Fleisch {n}
gastr. cold meat [roast]kalter Braten {m}
gastr. crab meatKrebsfleisch {n}
FoodInd. cultured meat [in-vitro meat]Kunstfleisch {n} [ugs.] [In-vitro-Fleisch]
FoodInd. cultured meat [in-vitro meat]Laborfleisch {n} [ugs.] [In-vitro-Fleisch]
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