Dictionary English German: maturation

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SYNO   festering | maturation | suppuration ... 
Reifung {f}
oenol. maturation
Ausbau {m} [Reifung, Reifedauer; auch bei Whiskey]
oenol. maturationReife 2 {f} [Reifeprozess]
2 Words: Nouns
bot. acropetal maturationakropetale Effloration {f}
oenol. barrel maturationFassreifung {f}
oenol. barrel maturationBarrique-Ausbau {m}
bot. basipetal maturationbasipetale Effloration {f}
med. brain maturationHirnreifung {f}
biol. cell maturationZellreifung {f}
med. cerebral maturationHirnreifung {f}
FoodInd. gastr. cheese maturationKäsereifung {f}
bot. divergent maturationdivergente Effloration {f}
biol. endosome maturationEndosomenreifung {f}
biol. gamete maturationGametenreifung {f}
biol. med. maturation arrestMaturationsarrest {m}
med. maturation arrestReifungsblock {m}
oenol. maturation cellarReifekeller {m}
med. maturation disorderReifestörung {f}
entom. maturation feedingReifefraß {m}
entom. maturation feedingReifungsfraß {m}
FoodInd. oenol. maturation levelAusbaustufe {f} [Reifungsgrad]
maturation periodReifezeit {f}
tech. maturation pondSchönungsteich {m}
brew gastr. maturation processReifungsprozess {m} [Bier, Käse]
orn. plumage maturationGefiederreifung {f}
biochem. protein maturationProteinreifung {f}
bot. seed maturationSamenreife {f}
3 Words: Nouns
biol. follicular maturation phaseFollikelreifungsphase {f}
biol. glial maturation factor <GMF>glialer Reifungsfaktor {m}
med. VetMed. in-vitro maturation <IVM>In-vitro-Maturation {f} <IvM>
biol. maturation promoting factorReifungs-Förderfaktor {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
dent. posteruptive enamel maturation of the primary dentitionposteruptive Schmelzreifung {f} der ersten Dentition
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