Dictionary English German: mass producing

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VERB  to mass-produce | mass-produced | mass-produced
mass-producing | mass-produces
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Partial Matches
brew gastr. unit Mass [measure] [one litre / liter of beer in Bavaria]Maß {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [ein Liter Bier]
producing {adj}erwirtschaftend
producing {adj} {pres-p}erzeugend
producing {adj}Herstellungs-
producingErzeugung {f}
biol. aldosterone-producing {adj}aldosteronproduzierend
anxiety-producing {adj}angsterzeugend
biol. bud-producing {adj}knospenbildend
biochem. calcitonin-producing {adj}calcitoninproduzierend
med. cancer-producing {adj}krebserzeugend
dent. caries-producing {adj}kariogen
agr. cotton-producing {adj}baumwollproduzierend
biol. endospore-producing {adj} {pres-p}endosporenbildend
biochem. enzyme-producing {adj}enzymbildend
flame-producing {adj}flammenerzeugend
entom. gall-producing {adj}gallenerzeugend
entom. gall-producing {adj}gallerzeugend
hormone-producing {adj}hormonproduzierend
MedTech. photo. image-producing {adj}bilderzeugend
med. insulin-producing {adj}insulinproduzierend
milk-producing {adj} {pres-p}milcherzeugend
oil-producing {adj}erdölfördernd
oil-producing {adj}ölfördernd
profit-producing {adj}gewinnbringend
biol. prolactin-producing {adj}prolaktinproduzierend
results-producing {adj}erfolgbringend
shadow-producing {adj}schattengebend
audio sound-producing {adj}schallerzeugend
spark-producing {adj}funkenerzeugend
bot. spore-producing {adj}sporenbildend
tea-producing {adj}teeproduzierend
agr. wine-producing {adj}weinproduzierend
agr. -producing area-anbaugebiet {n}
agr. producing countriesAnbauländer {pl}
comm. econ. producing countryErzeugerland {n}
oenol. wine producingWeinherstellung {f}
income-producing {adj}Einkommen schaffend
oil-producing {adj}Erdöl produzierend
producing soot {adj} [postpos.]rußend
market. results-producing {adj}effektiv [wirksam]
chief producing districtHaupterzeugungsgebiet {n}
biochem. growth-producing vitaminWachstumsvitamin {n}
heat-producing applianceFeuerstätte {f}
heat-producing applianceWärmeversorgungsanlage {f}
phys. luminescence-producing reactionLeuchtreaktion {f}
agr. main producing countriesHauptanbauländer {pl}
biol. mast-producing treeFutterbaum {m}
oil producing countriesÖlförderstaaten {pl}
econ. oil-producing countriesErdölförderländer {pl}
oil-producing countriesÖlförderländer {pl}
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