Dictionary English German: mass produces

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VERB  to mass-produce | mass-produced | mass-produced
mass-producing | mass-produces
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Partial Matches
sb. producesjd. ruft hervor
sb. producesjd. stellt her
sth. produces [income]etw. erwirtschaftet
sb./sth. producesjd./etw. erzeugt
if sb. produceswenn jd. herstellt
until sb. producesbis jd. hervorruft
art F The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters [Francisco de Goya]Der Schlaf der Vernunft gebiert Ungeheuer
brew gastr. unit Mass [measure] [one litre / liter of beer in Bavaria]Maß {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [ein Liter Bier]
to masszusammenziehen
amountMaß {n}
dimensionMaß {n}
dosageMaß {n}
massAnhäufung {f}
massAnsammlung {f}
relig. massGottesdienst {m}
massMasse {f}
mus. relig. massMesse {f}
meteMaß {n}
bespoke {adj}Maß- [Anfertigung]
mil. to mass [troops]massieren
constr. clearancelichtes Maß {n}
criterionMaß {n} [Maßstab]
extentMaß {n} [Ausmaß]
gage [Am.]Maß {n}
relig. MassAmt {n} [Messe]
massgroße Anzahl {f}
massMenge {f} [Masse]
med. massRaumforderung {f} <RF>
measureMaß {n} [Maßeinheit]
measureMass {n} [schweiz.]
measurementMaß {n} [Abmessung]
phys. mass spectrographic {adj}massenspektrografisch
phys. mass spectrographic {adj}massenspektrographisch
mass spectrometric {adj}massenspektrometrisch
mass spectrometrically {adv}massenspektrometrisch
biochem. phys. mass spectroscopic {adj}massenspektroskopisch
biochem. phys. mass spectroscopically {adv}massenspektroskopisch
comm. ind. mass-manufactured {adj} {past-p}massengefertigt
comm. ind. mass-produced {adj}massengefertigt
mass-produced {adj} {past-p}massenproduziert
phys. tech. mass-related {adj}massebezogen
chem. phys. mass-related {adj}massenbezogen
phys. tech. mass-selective {adj}massenselektiv
with mass {adj}massebehaftet
phys. without mass {adj}masselos
to mass togetherzusammenballen
phys. atomic massAtommasse {f}
phys. atomic massMassenwert {m}
black massTeufelsmesse {f}
bomb massBombenmasse {f}
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