Dictionary English German: mass produced

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ADJ   mass-produced | - | -
VERB  to mass-produce | mass-produced | mass-produced ... 
mass-produced {adj}fabrikmäßig hergestellt [in großen Mengen]
mass-produced {adj} {past-p}in großen Mengen hergestellt
comm. ind. mass-produced {adj}massengefertigt
mass-produced {adj} {past-p}massenproduziert
Keywords contained
mass-produced articleMassenartikel {m}
mass-produced articleMassenprodukt {n}
comm. mass-produced goodsMassengüter {pl}
comm. mass-produced goods {pl}Massenware {f}
comm. mass-produced itemsMassenartikel {pl}
mass-produced productsMassenprodukte {pl}
oenol. mass-produced wineMassenwein {m}
oenol. mass-produced wineTafelwein {m} [Qualitätsbezeichnung]
Partial Matches
produced {adj} {past-p}erzeugt
produced {adj} {past-p}hergestellt
produced {adj} {past-p}produziert
produced {adj} {past-p}verfertigt
sb. producedjd. erwirtschaftete
artificially produced {adj}künstlich erzeugt
batch-produced {adj}chargenmäßig produziert
comp. ind. computer-produced {adj}maschinell erstellt
FoodInd. med. pharm. genetically produced {adj}gentechnisch hergestellt
incorrectly produced {adj} {past-p}fehlerhaft hergestellt
internally produced {adj}eigengefertigt
locally produced {adj}lokal hergestellt
agr. FoodInd. organically produced {adj} {past-p}biologisch erzeugt
ind. RadioTV pre-produced {adj} {past-p}vorproduziert
produced byhergestellt von
ecol. sustainably produced {adj} {past-p}nachhaltig produziert
goods producedproduzierte Waren {pl}
produced quantityhergestellte Menge {f}
quantity producedgefertigte Menge {f}
self producedEigenfabrikat {n}
waste producedAbfallaufkommen {n}
theatre badly produced playschlecht produziertes Theaterstück {n}
gastr. factory-produced cheeseFabrikkäse {m}
home produced goodsInlandserzeugnisse {pl}
comm. econ. home-produced goods {pl}im Inland hergestellte Ware {f}
comm. econ. home-produced goods {pl}Inlandsware {f}
home-produced productsheimische Erzeugnisse {pl}
cloth. ecol. organically produced leatherÖkoleder {n}
self produced articleEigenfabrikat {n}
self produced articleEigenfabrikate {pl}
econ. ind. produced for export {adj} [postpos.]für Exportzwecke hergestellt
produced in series {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]serienmäßig gefertigt
It produced an effect.Es zeigte eine Wirkung.
produced by traditional techniquesnach (alter) handwerklicher Tradition (hergestellt)
amount of waste producedAbfallaufkommen {n}
comm. ind. German-produced {adj} [car, machine etc.]in Deutschland gefertigt [Auto, Maschine etc.]
comm. ind. German-produced {adj} [goods, car etc.]in Deutschland hergestellt [Produkte, Auto etc.]
produced naturally in the body {adj}körpereigen
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