Dictionary English German: marsh

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NOUN   a marsh | marshes
SYNO   Marsh | Reginald Marsh | Ngaio Marsh ... 
Sumpf {m}
geogr. marsh
Moor {n}
Sumpfgebiet {n}
geogr. marsh
Marsch {f}
Sumpfland {n}
geogr. marshBruch {m} {n} [Überflutungsgelände]
2 Words: Nouns
ecol. geogr. Liguasan MarshLigawasan {m} (Flussmarschen)
Marsh ArabsMarsch-Araber {pl}
orn. marsh birdSumpfvogel {m}
med. marsh feverSumpffieber {n}
marsh gasSumpfgas {n}
geogr. Marsh GlacierMarsh-Gletscher {m}
geogr. marsh landscapeMarschlandschaft {f}
bot. marsh plantSumpfpflanze {f}
agr. marsh rollerMoorwalze {f} [landwirtschaftliches Gerät]
geogr. marsh soilMarschboden {m}
chem. Marsh testMarsh'sche Probe {f}
chem. Marsh testMarshsche Probe {f} [alt]
bot. ecol. marsh vegetationMarschvegetation {f}
reedy marshRied {n} [Gebiet]
geogr. river marshFlussmarsch {f}
salt marshSalzmarsch {f}
salt marshSalzsumpf {m}
ecol. geogr. salt marshSalzwiese {f}
small marshSumpfloch {n}
3 Words: Nouns
agr. tools marsh disc harrow [Br.]Moor-Scheibenegge {f}
agr. marsh disc harrow [Br.]Scheibenegge {f} für Moorland
agr. tools marsh disk harrow [Am.]Moor-Scheibenegge {f}
agr. marsh disk harrow [Am.]Scheibenegge {f} für Moorland
agr. marsh rotary tillerMoorfräse {f} [Bodenfräse]
agr. bot. ecol. salt marsh plantSalzmarschpflanze {f}
bot. salt marsh vegetationSalzmarschvegetation {f} [auch: Salzmarsch-Vegetation]
geol. salt-water marshSalzsumpf {m}
white marsh marigold [Caltha leptosepala]Westamerikanische Dotterblume {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Outlaws of the Marsh [Shi Nai'an]Die Räuber vom Liang-Schan-Moor
film F The Marsh King's Daughter [Neil Burger]Das Erwachen der Jägerin
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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