Dictionary English German: margins

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

English German
NOUN   a margin | margins
Ränder {pl}
comm. margins
Margen {pl}
fin. margins
Spannen {pl}
2 Words
philat. full margins {adj}vollrandig
fin. budgetary marginsHaushaltsspielräume {pl}
3 Words
with narrow margins {adj}schmalrandig
with wide margins {adj}breitrandig
narrowing of marginsVerengung {f} der Ertragsspanne
4 Words
philat. (with) very large margins {adj}überrandig
in the margins of sth. {adv}am Rande etw.Gen.
in the margins of sth. {adv}am Rande von etw.Dat.
markings in the marginsRandstriche {pl}
5+ Words
idiom by the slimmest of margins {adv} [e.g. to win a match]mit dem kleinstmöglichen Vorsprung [z. B. ein Spiel gewinnen]
in / on the margins of the meeting {adv}am Rande des Treffens
on the margins of society {adv}am Rand / Rande der Gesellschaft
to live one's life on the marginsrandständig leben
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