Dictionary English German: maple

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ADJ   maple | more maple | most maple
NOUN1   a maple | maples
NOUN2   maple [wood] | -
bot. T
Ahorn {m}
maple2 [wood]
Ahornholz {n}
2 Words: Others
bot. maple-like {adj} [leaves]ahornartig [Blätter]
2 Words: Nouns
maple barAhornriegel {m}
bot. maple barkAhornrinde {f}
bot. maple branchAhornzweig {m}
maple branchesAhornäste {pl}
constr. maple burrAhornmaser {f}
gastr. maple butterAhorncreme {f} [Ahorn-Brotaufstrich]
gastr. maple candySüßigkeiten {pl} aus Ahornsirup
gastr. maple creamAhorncreme {f} [Ahorn-Brotaufstrich]
bot. maple leafAhornblatt {n}
curr. Maple LeafMaple Leaf {m}
curr. Maple LeafsMaple-Leaf-Münzen {pl}
bot. maple leavesAhornblätter {pl}
curr. Maple LeavesMaple-Leaf-Münzen {pl}
bot. maple seedAhornsamen {m}
gastr. maple sirup [Am.]Ahornsirup {m}
gastr. maple spreadAhornbrotaufstrich {m} [auch: Ahorn-Brotaufstrich]
gastr. maple sugarAhornzucker {m}
gastr. maple syrupAhornsirup {m}
mus. maple topAhorndecke {f} [z. B. bei Gitarren]
bot. maple treeAhornbaum {m}
bot. for. maple trunkAhornstamm {m}
maple wood [also: maplewood]Ahornholz {n}
material mus. quilted mapleWölkchenahorn {m}
3 Words: Nouns
med. maple bark diseaseAhornrindenschäler-Krankheit {f}
med. maple bark disease [coniosporosis]Koniosporose {f} [eine der Farmerlunge ähnliche Krankheit bei Holzarbeitern, v. a. bei Ahornverarbeitung]
med. maple bark lungAhornrindenschäler-Lunge {f}
pol. Maple Leaf Flag [National Flag of Canada]Ahornblattflagge {f} [Nationalflagge Kanadas]
FoodInd. maple syrup productionAhornsirup-Herstellung {f}
bot. species of mapleAhornart {f} [auch: Ahorn-Art]
4 Words: Nouns
med. maple syrup urine disease <MSUD>Ahornsirupkrankheit {f} <MSUD>
med. maple-bark-stripper's lung [also: maple bark stripper's lung] [ICD-10, Version 2018]Ahornrindenschäler-Lunge {f} [ICD-10, Version 2018]
5+ Words: Nouns
bird's-eye maple wood veneerVogelaugenahorn {m} [Furnierholz]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The House on Maple Street [Stephen King]Das Haus in der Maple Street
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. mycol. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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