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| to make sth. | 3424 etw.Akk. machen [herstellen, produzieren] | |
| to make sth. [a point, profit, etc.] | 847 etw.Akk. erzielen [einen Punkt, Profit etc.] | |
| to make sth. [friends, contacts] | 794 etw.Akk. knüpfen [fig.] [Freunde, Kontakte] | |
| to make sth. [manufacture, produce] | 730 etw.Akk. herstellen | |
| to make sth. [corrections, changes, a selection, etc.] | 602 etw.Akk. vornehmen [Korrekturen, Veränderungen, eine Auswahl etc.] | |
| to make sth. [create, produce] | 496 etw.Akk. erzeugen | |
| to make sth. [a meal, a salad, breakfast, etc.] | 463 etw.Akk. zubereiten | |
| econ. to make sth. [profit, losses, etc.] | 429 etw.Akk. einfahren [ugs.] [Profit, Verluste etc.] | |
| to make sth. [e.g. the bed, breakfast] | 383 etw.Akk. richten [bes. südd., österr., schweiz.] [z. B. das Bett machen, Frühstück machen] | |
| ind. to make sth. [manufacture] | 329 etw.Akk. fabrizieren [veraltend] [fabrikmäßig herstellen] | |
| gastr. to make sth. [tea, coffee] | 328 etw.Akk. aufbrühen [Tee, Kaffee] | |
| to make sth. [a wreath, a bouquet] | 318 etw.Akk. binden [Kranz, Strauß] | |
| to make sth. [e.g. a copy, a drawing, a sketch] | 218 etw.Akk. anfertigen [z. B. eine Kopie, eine Zeichnung, eine Skizze] | |
| to make sth. [assemble, put together] | 165 etw.Akk. basteln | |
| to make [cause, induce] [e.g. make sb. suffer] | 157 lassen [(jdn.) veranlassen oder dazu bringen (, dass jd. etw. tut oder dass etw. getan wird)] [z. B. jdn. leiden lassen] | |
| to make sth. [a payment] | 121 etw.Akk. leisten [Zahlung] | |
| to make sth. [construct, produce] | 75 etw.Akk. erstellen | |
| to make sth. [witnesses etc.] | 43 etw. abgeben [i. S. v. sein, z. B. einen guten Zeugen abgeben] | |
| to make sth. [reach a train, plane etc. in time] | 32 etw.Akk. schaffen [rechtzeitig erreichen] | |
| to make sth. [e.g. Two and three make five.] | 22 etw.Akk. ergeben [z. B. Zwei und drei ergibt fünf.] | |
| gastr. to make sth. [tea, coffee] | 17 etw.Akk. aufgießen [Tee, Kaffee aufbrühen] | |
| to make sth. [fabricate] | 10 etw.Akk. verfertigen | |
| to make sth. [a mess, noise, etc.] | 8 etw.Akk. veranstalten [Chaos, Lärm etc.] [ugs.] | |
| econ. to make sth. [profits, losses; of an airline] | 6 etw.Akk. einfliegen [Gewinne, Verluste] | |
| to make sb. [Am.] [sl.] [to have sexual intercourse with sb.] | es mit jdm. tun [Geschlechtsverkehr haben] | |
| econ. jobs to make sth. [earn] [money] | etw.Akk. verdienen [Geld] | |
Nouns |
| market. make | 377 Marke {f} | |
| make | 140 Fabrikat {n} | |
| make | 36 Herstellung {f} | |
| make | 34 Erzeugnis {n} | |
| make | 25 Machart {f} | |
| spec. make [esp. of a work of art] | 7 Faktur {f} | |
| automot. make [trade name of the manufacturer] | Fabrikmarke {m} | |
| cosmet. makeup [cosmetic] | Make-up {n} | |
| cosmet. maquillage | Make-up {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| [you] make flourishes | [du] schnörkelst | |
| Make haste! | Beeil dich! | |
| Make haste! | Spute dich! | |
| Make me! [coll.] | Zwing mich doch! [ugs.] | |
| Make way! | Bahn frei! | |
| Make way! | Mach Platz! | |
| make-believe {adj} | Schein- | |
| make-shift {adj} | provisorisch | |
| cosmet. unmade-up {adj} | ohne Make-up | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to custom-make sth. | etw.Akk. kundenindividuell anfertigen | |
| to make (up) sth. [combine into] | etw.Akk. bilden | |
| to make advances | vorrücken | |
| to make advances | Fortschritte machen | |
| to make advances | Geld vorschießen | |
| to make after sb. | jdn. verfolgen | |