Dictionary English German: maize

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English German
NOUN   maize | -
SYNO   Indian corn | Zea mays | corn ... 
agr. bot. T
Mais {m}
bot. maize
Türkenkorn {n} [österr.] [veraltet]
agr. bot. gastr. maize [Br.]
Türken {m} [österr.] [regional]
agr. maize [esp. Br. or technical usage] [Zea mays]
Kukuruz {m} [regional, bes. österr.] [Mais]
maize [colour]helles Gelb {n} [Maisgelb]
agr. bot. maize [esp. Br. or technical usage] [Zea mays]Welschkorn {n} [veraltet od. regional] [Mais]
2 Words: Nouns
bot. forage maize [Br.]Futtermais {m}
agr. biotech. GM maize [Br.]Genmais {m}
bot. grain maize [Br.]Körnermais {m}
agr. maize chopperMaishäcksler {m}
agr. maize combine [Br.]Maiserntemaschine {f}
agr. maize cropMaisernte {f} [Ausbeute]
agr. maize cultivationMaisanbau {m}
agr. maize cultivation [Br.]Maisbau {m} [Maisanbau]
agr. maize fieldMaisfeld {n}
gastr. maize flour [Br.]Maismehl {n}
biochem. FoodInd. maize gluten [esp. Br.]Maisgluten {n}
biochem. FoodInd. maize gluten [esp. Br.]Maiskleber {m}
agr. maize growingMaisanbau {m}
agr. bot. maize growth [Br.]Maiswachstum {n}
agr. maize harvestMaisernte {f} [Vorgang]
maize harvester [Br.]Maiserntemaschine {f}
maize hoe [Br.]Maishackgerät {n}
maize husker [Br.]Maisrebbler {m}
maize husker [Br.]Maisrebler {m}
bot. maize kernelMaiskorn {n}
maize mazeMaislabyrinth {n}
gastr. maize milk [Br.]Maismilch {f}
gastr. maize pasta {sg}Maisnudeln {pl}
bot. maize pollenMaispollen {m}
gastr. maize porridge [Br.]Maisbrei {m}
gastr. maize poulard [Br.] [maize-fed poulard]Maispoularde {f}
agr. comm. maize produceMaisertrag {m}
agr. econ. maize producer [Br.]Maisproduzent {m}
agr. maize production [Br.]Maisproduktion {f}
bot. mycol. maize rustMaisrost {m}
maize sheller [Br.]Maisrebbler {m}
maize sheller [Br.]Maisrebler {m}
agr. maize silage [Br.] [Aus.]Maissilage {f}
FoodInd. maize starch [Br.] [Amylum maydis]Maisstärke {f}
agr. maize stubbleMaisstoppel {f}
maize yield [Br.]Maisernte {f} [Ertrag]
agr. comm. maize yield [Br.]Maisertrag {m}
agr. silage maizeSilomais {m}
3 Words: Nouns
agr. cultivation of maizeMaisanbau {m}
agr. field of maizeMaisfeld {n}
agr. biotech. genetically modified maize [Br.]Genmais {m}
agr. biotech. genetically modified maize <GM maize>genveränderter Mais {m} <Gv-Mais>
agr. biotech. GM maize cultivation [Br.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
agr. biotech. GM maize growing [Br.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
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