Dictionary English German: mag

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NOUN   a mag | mags
SYNO   mag | magazine
VERB  mögen | mochte | gemocht/[mit zweitem Infinitiv] mögen [z. B. tun mögen] ... 
SYNO   [ist] möglicherweise [so] ... 
sb./sth. may [indicating possibility or probability]
jd./etw. mag [zum Ausdruck von Möglichkeit oder Vermutung]
sb. might
jd. mag
sb. likes
jd. mag
journ. publ. magazine <mag.>
Zeitschrift {f} <Ztschr.>
journ. mag [coll.] [magazine]
Illustrierte {f}
acad. Master [female person with a Master's degree]
Magistra {f} <Mag.a> <Mag.> [österr.]
weapons mag [coll.] [magazine (of ammunition)]Magazin {n} [Behälter an Schusswaffe]
journ. publ. lad mag [coll.]Männermagazin {n}
cloth. journ. publ. fashion mag [coll.]Modezeitschrift {f}
mag-style wheel coverSportzierblende {f}
wank mag [Br.] [vulg.]Wichsheftchen {n} [vulg.]
jizz mag [Am.] [rare and fanciful vulg.]Wichsvorlage {f} [vulg.]
2 Words: Others
sth. may be the caseetw. mag zutreffen
Could be!Mag sein!
2 Words: Nouns
acad. educ. Master of Arts <M.A.>Magister {m} Artium <M. A., Mag. art. [österr.]>
automot. mag wheel [coll.] [magnesium alloy wheel]Magnesium-Felge {f} [Magnesium-Alufelge]
3 Words: Others
That's a maybe. [coll.]Das mag sein.
There may be ...Es mag geben ...
sth. may be harshetw. mag hart sein
I like both.Ich mag beides.
I like you.Ich mag dich.
idiom Come what may.Komme, was mag.
I like that!Sowas mag ich!
3 Words: Verbs
to know sb.'s likeswissen, was jd. mag
3 Words: Nouns
electr. maximum available (power) gain <MAG>maximal verfügbarer Leistungsgewinn {m}
tech. metal active gas welding <MAG welding>Metall-Aktivgas-Schweißen {n} <MAG-Schweißen>
4 Words: Others
Quite possibly, but ...Das mag sein, aber ...
That may be true, but ...Das mag sein, aber ...
That (very) well may be.Das mag wohl sein.
That may be so.Das mag wohl stimmen.
He likes her a lot.Er mag sie sehr.
It may be advisable ...Es mag anzuraten sein ...
It is possible that ...Es mag sein, dass ...
It may be possible that ...Es mag sein, dass ...
It might be that ...Es mag sein, dass ... [Möglichkeit, Vermutung]
I don't much like ... .Ich mag ... nicht besonders.
I like your smile.Ich mag dein Lächeln.
idiom I like the cut of your jib.Ich mag deine Art.
idiom I don't just half fancy you.Ich mag dich total.
I may be wrong.Ich mag mich irren.
I may be wrong though.Ich mag unrecht haben.
I may be wrong though.Ich mag Unrecht haben. [Duden empfiehlt "unrecht".]
(come) rain or shine {adv} [idiom]was auch geschehen mag
Who might that be?Wer mag das sein?
I wonder who that can be?Wer mag das sein?
5+ Words: Others
All that may be so but ...Das mag ja alles sein, aber ...
That may be true, but ...Das mag zwar stimmen, aber ...
Your mileage may vary. <YMMV>Dein Ergebnis mag anders sein.
Your mileage may vary. <YMMV>Deine Meinung mag anders sein.
This may be self-evident.Dies mag sich von selbst verstehen.
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