Dictionary English German: m p

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med. postmortem {adj} {adv} <p.m., PM> [after death]post mortem <p. m.> [geh.] [nach dem Tode]
textil. purl [purl stitch] <p, P>linke Masche {f} <li M>
law manu propria {adv} <m.p.> [(signed) with one's own hand]manu propria < m. p., mppria, mppa> [eigenhändig (unterzeichnet)]
post meridiem {adv} <p.m., pm, PM>nachmittags <n., nm., nachm.>
chem. melting point <m.p.>Schmelzpunkt {m}
p.m. shiftNachmittagsschicht {f}
p.m. shiftSpätschicht {f}
textil. purl stitch <p, P>linke Masche {f} <li M>
at 30 m.p.h. {adv}mit 30 Meilen pro Stunde
at 7 p.m. {adv}um 19 Uhr
in the afternoon {adv} <p.m., pm, PM>nachmittags <nachm.>
biochem. decays per minute <dpm, d.p.m.>Zerfälle {pl} pro Minute
chem. phys. disintegrations per minute <dpm, d.p.m.>Zerfälle {pl} pro Minute
libr. manuscript on paper <M.o.p.>Papierhandschrift {f}
textil. to purl two stitches together <p2tog, p.2.tog.>zwei Maschen links zusammen stricken <2 M li zus str>
between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. {adv}von 8 Uhr morgens bis 6 Uhr abends
film F 10:30 P.M. Summer [Jules Dassin]Halb elf in einer Sommernacht
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