Dictionary English German: möglichst

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

SYNO   lieber | möglichst | tunlichst
preferably {adv}
as possible {adv}möglichst
at most {adv}möglichst
if (at all) possible {adv}möglichst [wenn möglich]
as ... as possiblemöglichst ...
2 Words
as soon as possible {adv} <asap>möglichst bald
as soon as possible {adv}möglichst frühzeitig
as accurately as possible {adv}möglichst genau
as low as possiblemöglichst gering
best possible {adj}möglichst gut
as small as possible {adv}möglichst klein
with the lowest possible riskmöglichst risikoarm
as quickly as possible {adv}möglichst schnell
3 Words
to keep sth. as constant as possibleetw.Akk. möglichst gleichbleibend halten
to be as accurate as possiblemöglichst genau sein [z. B. Werte, Messungen]
to come as close as possiblemöglichst nahe kommen
to make the best of one's waymöglichst schnell gehen
to restrain oneself as far as possiblesichAkk. möglichst zurückhalten
as many pupils as possiblemöglichst viele Schüler {pl}
4 Words
in as short a time as possible {adv}in möglichst kurzer Zeit
in the shortest time possible {adv}in möglichst kurzer Zeit
taking as little time as possible {adj} [postpos.]mit möglichst geringem Zeitaufwand [nachgestellt]
with the greatest possible care {adv}mit möglichst großer Sorgfalt
if possible today {adv} [because it is urgent, etc.]möglichst schon / noch heute
to make the most of sth.möglichst viel herausschlagen aus etw.Dat.
5+ Words
in as short a timeframe as possible {adv}in einem möglichst kurzen Zeitrahmen
if possible, at the next meeting [because it's urgent]möglichst schon beim nächsten Treffen
over as long a period as possible {adv}über einen möglichst langen Zeitraum
to get the hell out of dodge / Dodge [Am.] [coll.] [idiom](möglichst schnell) eine Fliege machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
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