Dictionary English German: low grade

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NOUN   a low grade | low grades
low-grade {adj}geringwertig
low-grade {adj}minderwertig
med. low-grade {adj}geringgradig <ggr.>
low gradeniedrige Qualität {f}
mining low grade coalBallastkohle {f}
mining low-grade oreMagererz {n}
mineral. low-grade {adj} [ore]geringhaltig [Erz]
med. low-grade inflammationniedriggradige Entzündung {f}
low-grade {adj}von niedriger Qualität [nachgestellt]
stocks low-grade stockAktie {f} niederer Qualität
med. low grade {adj} <G1> [stage 1 acc. to TNM classification of malignant tumours] [usually still relatively harmless]hoch differenziert <G1> [Grading (Angabe, wie differenziert das Tumorgewebe ist) nach TNM-Klassifikation; "relativ harmlos"]
Partial Matches
cloth. low socks [Am.]Low-Socken {pl} [bis unter die Knöchel reichend]
zool. T
electr. low output currentLow-Ausgangsstrom {m}
comp. low-code development platform <LCDP>Low-Code-Plattform {f} [auch Low-Code-Entwicklungsplattform]
MedTech. low-field magnetic resonance imaging <low-field MRI>Niederfeldmagnetresonanztomographie {f} <Niederfeld-MRT>
film photo. RadioTV low-key lightingLow-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: Low-key-Ausleuchtung]
to keep sth. on the low-low [esp. Am.] [sl.] [less frequent than: ... on the down low]etw.Akk. für sichAkk. behalten [nicht mitteilen]
film low-budget productionLow-Budget-Produktion {f}
low-carb dietLow-Carb-Diät {f}
film photo. RadioTV low-key photographyLow-key-Fotografie {f}
to gradeabstufen
to gradeeinsortieren
to gradeeinteilen
to gradeklassifizieren
to gradesortieren
to gradewerten
to gradeplanieren [Straßenbau]
degrees <deg.>Grade {pl}
jobs mil. grade [rank]Dienstgrad {m}
nucl. bomb-grade {adj}bombenfähig
first-grade {adj}erstklassig
FoodInd. gastr. food-grade {adj}lebensmittelecht
high-grade {adj}hochgradig
high-grade {adj}hochwertig
mil. weapon-grade {adj}waffentauglich
weapons-grade {adj}waffenfähig
to cross-gradeumwandeln
basis gradeStandardqualität {f}
classification gradeAnforderungsstufe {f}
commercial gradeHandelssorte {f}
concrete gradeBetongüte {f}
photo. contrast gradeHärtegrad {m}
cumulative gradeGesamtnote {f}
med. differentiation gradeDifferenzierungsgrad {m}
distinctive gradeUnterscheidungsgrad {m}
filter gradeFilterklasse {f}
final gradeGesamtnote {f}
educ. grade inflationNoteninflation {f}
grade rateTariflohnsatz {m}
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