Dictionary English German: low budget

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film low-budget productionLow-Budget-Produktion {f}
TrVocab. low-budget touristReisender {m} mit kleinem Budget
film low-budget filmLow-Budget-Film {m}
low-budget {adj} [attr.]billig
aviat. low-budget airlineBilligairline {f}
aviat. low-budget airlineBilligfluggesellschaft {f}
aviat. low-budget carrierBilligairline {f}
aviat. low-budget carrierBilligfluggesellschaft {f}
aviat. travel low-budget flightBilligflug {m} [ugs.]
aviat. low-budget airlineBilligflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]
aviat. low-budget carrierBilligflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]
low-budget adventureAbenteuer {n} für den kleinen Geldbeutel
fin. low-budget investmentAnlage {f} für Leute mit geringen Mitteln
Partial Matches
to budget for a purchaseeinen Kauf ins Budget einplanen
amount provided by the budgetvom Budget vorgesehener Betrag {m}
fin. to blow sb.'s budget [coll.]jds. Budget sprengen
film big-budget adventure movieAbenteuerfilm {m} mit großem Budget
to go easy on the budgetdas Budget schonen
to budget money for sth.Geld für etw. (im Budget) einplanen
to budget for sth.etw. (im Budget) einplanen
fin. to overrun one's budgetsein Budget überziehen
to slash a budget [fig.]ein Budget kürzen
med. pharm. pol. budget impact analysis <BIA>Budget-Einfluss-Analyse {f}
on a tight budget {adv}mit knappem Budget
to draw up a budgetein Budget aufstellen
grant to the budgetZuschuss {m} zum Budget
to allocate the budgetdas Budget zuweisen
to amend the budgetdas Budget ändern
to control the budgetdas Budget verwalten
econ. fin. to strain the budgetdas Budget strapazieren
comm. zero-based budgetNull-Basis-Budget {n}
to budgetein Budget machen
austerity budgetknappes Budget {n}
balanced budgetausgeglichenes Budget {n}
fin. daily budgettägliches Budget {n}
pared budgetbeschnittenes Budget {n}
tight budgetknappes Budget {n}
cloth. low socks [Am.]Low-Socken {pl} [bis unter die Knöchel reichend]
zool. T
electr. low output currentLow-Ausgangsstrom {m}
comp. low-code development platform <LCDP>Low-Code-Plattform {f} [auch Low-Code-Entwicklungsplattform]
MedTech. low-field magnetic resonance imaging <low-field MRI>Niederfeldmagnetresonanztomographie {f} <Niederfeld-MRT>
film photo. RadioTV low-key lightingLow-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: Low-key-Ausleuchtung]
med. pharm. pol. budget impact analysis <BIA>Budget-Impact-Analyse {f} <BIA>
to keep sth. on the low-low [esp. Am.] [sl.] [less frequent than: ... on the down low]etw.Akk. für sichAkk. behalten [nicht mitteilen]
low-carb dietLow-Carb-Diät {f}
film photo. RadioTV low-key photographyLow-key-Fotografie {f}
MedTech. low-dose computed tomography <low-dose CT, LDCT>Niedrigdosis-Computertomografie {f} <Niedrigdosis-CT>
MedTech. low-dose computed tomography <low-dose CT, LDCT>Niedrigdosis-Computertomographie {f} <Niedrigdosis-CT>
budgetBudget {n}
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