Dictionary English German: low boiling

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chem. low-boiling {adj} [fraction]niedrigsiedend [Fraktion]
Partial Matches
cloth. low socks [Am.]Low-Socken {pl} [bis unter die Knöchel reichend]
zool. T
boiling {adj} {pres-p}aufwallend
boiling {adj} {pres-p}brühend
boiling {adj} {pres-p}siedend
chem. boilingVerkochung {f}
electr. low output currentLow-Ausgangsstrom {m}
gastr. boiling down {pres-p}einkochend
boiling over {adj}überkochend
boiling upaufkochend
chem. high-boilinghochsiedend
chem. boiling chipSiedestein {m}
chem. boiling chipSiedesteinchen {n}
phys. boiling delaySiedeverzug {m}
chem. boiling flaskKochkolben {m}
gastr. boiling fowlSuppenhuhn {n}
boiling heatGluthitze {f}
boiling heatSiedehitze {f}
gastr. boiling henSuppenhuhn {n}
boiling limitSiedegrenze {f}
gastr. boiling meatSuppenfleisch {n}
boiling pointSiedegrad {m}
boiling pointsSiedegrade {pl}
boiling procedureSiedevorgang {m}
boiling processSiedevorgang {m}
boiling rangeSiedebereich {m}
phys. boiling retardationSiedeverzug {m}
chem. boiling stoneSiedestein {m}
boiling temperatureSiedetemperatur {f}
boiling testSiedeprobe {f}
bulk boilingBlasensieden {n}
film boilingFilmsieden {n}
tech. flow boilingStrömungssieden {n}
nucleate boilingKeimsieden {n}
surface boilingOberflächensieden {n}
brew wort boilingWürzekochen {n}
boiling {adj} {pres-p}kochend [Wasser etc.]
boiling hot {adj}kochend heiß
boiling hot {adj}siedend heiß
boiling rageäußerster Zorn {m}
hydro. boiling springheiße Quelle {f}
boiling waterkochendes Wasser {n}
delayed boilingverzögertes Sieden {n}
chem. boiling point curveSiedepunktskurve {f}
chem. phys. boiling point elevationSiedepunktserhöhung {f}
dent. boiling-out unitAusbrühgerät {n}
delay in boilingSiedeverzug {m}
chem. phys. normal boiling pointNormalsiedepunkt {m}
chem. normal boiling temperatureNormalsiedetemperatur {f}
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