Dictionary English German: loss making

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loss-making {adj}defizitär
fin. loss-making {adj}verlustreich
econ. loss-making business [Br.]Minusgeschäft {n}
econ. loss-making business [Br.]Verlustgeschäft {n}
artificial loss-making companyAbschreibungsgesellschaft {f}
Partial Matches
med. loss to follow-up <LTFU>Loss to follow-up {m} <LTFU> [ohne (aktuelle) Verlaufskontrolle bei klinischer Studie]
making {pres-p}machend
makingAnfertigen {n}
makingAnfertigung {f}
makingFabrikation {f}
makingHerstellung {f}
film making-ofMaking-of {n}
bomb-making {adj} {pres-p}bombenbauend
epoch-making {adj}bahnbrechend
epoch-making {adj}epochal
epoch-making {adj} {pres-p}epochemachend
hist. epoch-making {adj}geschichtswirksam
making believeweismachend
making clearklarmachend
making desolatedverödend
making difficulterschwerend
making equalgleichmachend
making excusesausredend
making flourishes {pres-p}schnörkelnd
making friendsanfreundend
making insecureverunsichernd
making musicmusizierend
making noise {pres-p}lärmend
making offdavonmachend
making outzusammenreimend
making pregnant {pres-p}schwängernd
making smallerverkleinernd
making stupidverdummend
making surevergewissernd
making worseverschlimmernd
money-making {adj}gewinnbringend
profit-making {adj}gewinnbringend
profit-making {adj}gewinnträchtig
entom. slave-making {adj}sklavenhaltend
mil. war-making {adj}kriegführend
oenol. wine-making {adj}weinproduzierend
art art-makingKunstschaffen {n}
mil. bed-makingBettenbau {m}
brew beer-makingBierherstellung {f}
body makingKarosseriebau {m}
weapons bomb makingBombenbasteln {n}
boot makingSchuhmacherei {f}
FoodInd. gastr. bread makingBrotherstellung {f}
FoodInd. butter-makingButterherstellung {f}
art hist. cabinet makingKunstschreinerei {f}
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