Dictionary English German: loans

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
NOUN   a loan | loans
VERB  to loan | loaned | loaned
loaning | loans
Leihen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
fin. to guarantee loansDarlehen absichern
2 Words: Nouns
fin. bad loansfaule Kredite {pl}
fin. bonded loansSchuldscheindarlehen {n}
fin. forced loansZwangsanleihen {pl}
fin. government loansStaatsanleihen {pl}
loans demandDarlehensbedarf {m}
libr. loans deskAusleihtheke {f}
fin. loans termDarlehenslaufzeit {f}
mismatched loansinkongruente Darlehen {pl}
fin. nonperforming loansfaule Kredite {pl}
fin. parallel loansParallelanleihen {pl}
project loansProjektdarlehen {n}
econ. fin. refi loans [coll.]Refinanzierungskredite {pl}
econ. fin. refinancing loansRefinanzierungskredite {pl}
fin. securitized loansverbriefte Kreditforderungen {pl}
educ. fin. student loansStudentendarlehen {pl}
educ. fin. student loansStudentenkredite {pl}
educ. fin. student loansStudiendarlehen {pl}
educ. student loansStudienkredite {pl}
3 Words: Others
through bank loans {adv}durch Bankdarlehen
3 Words: Verbs
fin. to provide bridging loansÜberbrückungsdarlehen anbieten
3 Words: Nouns
alternative to loansAlternative {f} zu Darlehen
comparatively large loansziemlich große Kredite {pl}
fin. granting of loansDarlehensgewährung {f}
limited-term loansbefristete Ausleihungen {pl}
loans to industryIndustriedarlehen {n}
local authority loansKommunalkredit {m}
fin. local authority loansKommunalkredite {pl}
fin. longer-term loanslängerfristige Kredite {pl}
losses on loansWertberichtigungen {pl} aus Kreditgeschäften
fin. non-bonded loansnicht verbriefte Darlehen {pl}
fin. short-term loanskurzfristige Darlehen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
fin. allocation of mortgage loansVergabe {f} von Hypothekarkrediten
bank rate for loansLombardzinsfuß {m}
credit risks of loansKreditrisiken {pl} von Darlehen
demand for personal loansNachfrage {f} nach Privatdarlehen
acc. fin. loans to affiliated undertakingsAusleihungen {pl} an verbundene Unternehmen
fin. non-interest-bearing loanszinslose Darlehen {pl}
premature repayment of loansvorzeitige Darlehensrückzahlung {f}
price fluctuations of loansAnleihenkursschwankungen {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
loans to medium-sized companiesDarlehen {pl} an mittelständische Unternehmen
fin. RealEst. loans to purchase of real estateDarlehen {pl} für den Kauf von Immobilien
loans to towns and citiesKommunalanleihen {pl}
comm. fin. loans to trade and industrygewerbliche Darlehen {pl}
fin. taking out long-term loansAufnahme {f} langfristiger Kredite
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