Dictionary English German: load variable

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tech. variable loadWechsellast {f}
load-variable {adj} [electricity tariff]lastvariabel [Stromtarif]
Partial Matches
math. stat. explained variable [seldom] [more common: dependent variable]abhängige Variable {f}
stat. controlling for a variable {adv}bei Kontrolle von einer Variable
sociol. stat. explanatory variableunabhängige Variable {f} [auch: Prädiktor, Regressor]
biochem. variable surface glycoproteins <VSGs>variable Oberflächenglykoproteine {pl} <VGS>
comp. to declare a variableeine Variable deklarieren
comp. locally declared variablelokal deklarierte Variable {f}
comp. pointer variable expectedZeiger-Variable {f} erwartet
telecom. Variable Bit Rate <VBR>Variable Bitrate {f}
econ. variable labor costs [Am.]variable Arbeitskosten {pl}
econ. variable labour costs [Br.]variable Arbeitskosten {pl}
tech. variable valve actuation <VVA>variable Ventilsteuerung {f}
tech. variable valve timing <VVT>variable Ventilsteuerung {f}
Boolean variableBoole'sche Variable {f}
critical variable <CV>kritische Variable {f}
variable block lengthvariable Blocklänge {f}
film photo. variable focal lengthvariable Brennweite {f}
variable overnight ratesvariable Tagesgeldzinsen {pl}
variable record lengthvariable Satzlänge {f}
spec. variable side chainvariable Seitenkette {f}
variable word lengthvariable Wortlänge {f}
math. adjoint variableadjungierte Variable {f}
area variablelokale Variable {f}
artificial variablekünstliche Variable {f}
binary variablezweiwertige Variable {f}
Boolean variableboolesche Variable {f}
math. bound variablefeste Variable {f}
math. bound variablegebundene Variable {f}
bounded variablebeschränkte Variable {f}
ling. contextual variablekontextuelle Variable {f}
stat. continuous variablekontinuierliche Variable {f}
continuous variablestetige Variable {f}
comp. declared variabledeklarierte Variable {f}
dependent variableabhängige Variable {f}
math. stat. discrete variablediskrete Variable {f}
endogenous variableendogene Variable {f}
exogenous variableexogene Variable {f}
sociol. stat. explained variableerklärte Variable {f}
explanatory variableerklärende Variable {f}
math. fixed variablefeste Variable {f}
math. free variablefreie Variable {f}
comp. global variableglobale Variable {f}
hidden variableverborgene Variable {f}
sociol. stat. independent variableunabhängige Variable {f}
comp. local variablelokale Variable {f}
metasyntactic variablemetasyntaktische Variable {f}
number variablenumerische Variable {f}
simple variableeinfache Variable {f}
math. stat. standardized variablestandardisierte Variable {f}
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