Dictionary English German: lineares

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

ADJ  linear | linearer | am linearsten
linearer | lineare | lineares
linearster | linearste | linearstes
math. linear system [system of linear equations]lineares Gleichungssystem {n}
math. system of linear equationslineares Gleichungssystem {n}
math. linear multistep block methodlineares Mehrschrittblockverfahren {n}
tech. line microphonelineares Mikrofon {n}
math. stat. linear model <LM>lineares Modell {n} <LM>
chem. linear moleculelineares Molekül {n}
spec. linear polymerlineares Polymer {n}
comp. linear programming <LP>lineares Programmieren {n}
3 Words
math. stat. general linear modelallgemeines lineares Modell {n} <ALM>
math. degenerate linear problemdegeneriertes lineares Problem {n}
math. degenerate linear problementartetes lineares Problem {n}
math. linear differential equation systemlineares gewöhnliches Differentialgleichungssystem {n}
math. linear differential equation systemlineares gewöhnliches Differenzialgleichungssystem {n}
comp. math. linear time-invariant system <LTI system>lineares zeitinvariantes System {n} <LZI-System>
philos. psych. non-linear thinkingnicht-lineares Denken {n}
stat. generalised linear model <GLM> [Br.]verallgemeinertes lineares Modell {n}
stat. generalized linear model <GLM>verallgemeinertes lineares Modell {n}
4 Words
psych. stat. linear partial credit model <LPCM>lineares Partial-Credit-Modell {n} <LPCM>
psych. stat. linear rating scale model <LRSM>lineares Rating-Scale-Modell {n} <LRSM>
5+ Words
chem. tech. linear low-density polyethylene <LLDPE, PE-LLD>lineares Polyethylen {n} (von) niederer / niedriger Dichte
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