Dictionary English German: leukocyte

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
NOUN   a leukocyte | leukocytes
SYNO   WBC | leucocyte | leukocyte ... 
med. VetMed. zool. leukocyte
Leukozyt {m}
2 Words: Others
biol. leukocyte-poor {adj}leukozytenarm
2 Words: Nouns
med. VetMed. zool. circulating leukocytezirkulierender Leukozyt {m}
med. leukocyte activationLeukozytenaktivierung {f}
biol. leukocyte adhesionLeukozytenadhäsion {f}
med. leukocyte anomalyLeukozytenanomalie {f}
biol. med. leukocyte antigenLeukozytenantigen {n}
biol. leukocyte antigensLeukozytenantigene {pl}
med. leukocyte breakdownLeukozytenabbau {m}
anat. leukocyte castLeukozytenzylinder {m}
med. leukocyte concentrateLeukozytenkonzentrat {n}
med. leukocyte count <LC>Leukozytenzählung {f}
biol. leukocyte diapedesisLeukodiapedese {f}
biol. leukocyte diapedesisLeukozytendiapedese {f}
biol. leukocyte enzymesLeukozytenenzyme {pl}
med. leukocyte extravasationLeukozytenextravasation {f}
med. leukocyte indexLeukozytenindex {m}
biochem. leukocyte integrinLeukozytenintegrin {n}
biochem. leukocyte integrinsLeukozytenintegrine {pl}
biol. leukocyte migrationLeukozytenmigration {f}
biochem. leukocyte phosphataseLeukozytenphosphatase {f}
biol. med. leukocyte pictureLeukozytenbild {n}
med. leukocyte scintigraphy <LS>Leukozytenszintigrafie {f}
med. leukocyte scintigraphy <LS>Leukozytenszintigraphie {f}
med. leukocyte traffickingLeukozytenmigration {f}
med. leukocyte typingLeukozytentypisierung {f}
med. polymorphonuclear leukocytepolymorphkerniger Leukozyt {m}
3 Words: Nouns
biol. med. anti-leukocyte antibodiesLeukozytenantikörper {pl}
biol. human leukocyte antigen <HLA>humanes Leukozytenantigen {n} <HLA>
med. leukocyte adhesion deficiency <LAD>Leukozytenadhäsionsdefekt {m} <LAD> [auch: Leukozyten-Adhäsions-Defizienz]
med. leukocyte adhesion deficiency <LAD>Leukozytenadhäsionsdefizit {n} <LAD> [auch: Leukozyten-Adhäsionsdefizit]
med. leukocyte adhesion deficiency <LAD>Leukozytenadhäsionsmangel {m} <LAD>
biochem. leukocyte alkaline phosphatasealkalische Leukozytenphosphatase {f}
4 Words: Nouns
biol. human leukocyte antigen system <HLA system>humanes Leukozyten-Antigen-System {n} <HLA-System>
med. leukocyte migration inhibition factor <LIF, LMIF>Leukozytenmigrationshemmfaktor {m}
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