Dictionary English German: lens

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NOUN1   a lens | lenses
NOUN2   Lens | -
VERB  to lens | lensed | lensed ... 
SYNO   crystalline lens | lens ... 
NOUN   (das) Lens | -
film to lens
drehen [Film]
optics photo. lens
Linse {f}
optics photo. lens [of an optical instrument, e.g. camera]
Objektiv {n}
optics lens [part of a pair of glasses]
Brillenglas {n}
optics lens [of spectacles]
Glas {n} [Brillenglas]
geogr. LensLens {n}
2 Words: Others
astron. optics lens-like {adj}linsenartig
lens-shaped {adj}linsenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
photo. (lens) mountObjektivanschluss {m}
photo. (photographic) lensKameraobjektiv {n}
photo. achromatic lensAchromat-Linse {f}
photo. achromatic lensachromatische Linse {f}
MedTech. tech. acoustic lensSchalllinse {f}
MedTech. tech. acoustic lensakustische Linse {f}
optics tech. additional lensVorsatzlinse {f}
optics tech. additional lensZusatzlinse {f}
photo. anastigmatic lensAnastigmat {m} {n}
optics tech. ancillary lensVorsatzlinse {f}
optics tech. ancillary lensZusatzlinse {f}
optics annular lensRinglinse {f}
phys. aplanatic lensAplanat {m} {n}
phys. apochromatic lens <apo>Apochromat {m} {n}
med. artificial lensKunstlinse {f}
optics aspheric lensasphärische Linse {f}
optics ball lensKugellinse {f}
astron. Barlow lensBarlowlinse {f}
astron. Barlow lensBarlow-Linse {f}
optics bifocal lensBifokalglas {n}
burning lensBrennglas {n}
photo. camera lensAufnahmeobjektiv {n}
photo. camera lensFotoobjektiv {n}
photo. camera lensKameralinse {f}
photo. camera lensKameraobjektiv {n}
geol. clay lensTonlinse {f}
coated lensbeschichtete Linse {f}
photo. coated lensbeschichtetes Objektiv {n}
optics photo. coated lensoberflächenvergütete Linse {f}
collecting lensSammellinse {f}
optics collector lensKollektorlinse {f}
optics collimating lens [converging lens]Kollimatorlinse {f}
astron. optics collimator lens [spectroscope]Kollimatorlinse {f}
optics phys. concave lensHohllinse {f}
optics phys. concave lensKonkavlinse {f}
optics phys. concave lenskonkave Linse {f}
concave lens [in spectacles]Minusglas {n} [in Brillen]
photo. condenser (lens)Sammellinse {f}
MedTech. optics contact lensKontaktlinse {f}
optics contact lens {sg}Haftschale {f}
convergent lensSammellinse {f}
converging lensKonvexlinse {f}
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