Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: learning

Übersetzung 151 - 200 von 337  <<  >>


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NOUN   learning | -
VERB  to learn | learned/learnt | learned/learnt
learning | learns
SYNO   acquisition | learning | encyclopaedism ... 
educ. learning progressLernfortschritt {m}
educ. learning progress {sg}Lernfortschritte {pl} [insgesamt]
educ. psych. acad. learning psychologistLernpsychologe {m}
educ. jobs psych. learning psychologist [female]Lernpsychologin {f}
comp. educ. learning rateLernrate {f}
educ. learning rateLerntempo {n}
educ. learning receptivity [as a skill]Lernbereitschaft {f} [als Fähigkeit]
learning ruleLernregel {f}
educ. learning situationLernsituation {f}
educ. learning societyLerngesellschaft {f}
learning spaceLernraum {m}
educ. learning speedLernprogression {f}
educ. learning strategyLernstrategie {f}
educ. psych. learning stressLernstress {m}
educ. learning styleLernmethode {f}
educ. psych. learning successLernerfolg {m}
learning systemLernsystem {n}
educ. learning targetLernziel {n}
educ. learning taskLernaufgabe {f}
educ. learning teamLernteam {n}
educ. learning techniqueLerntechnik {f}
educ. learning testsLerntests {pl}
acc. learning theoryLerntheorie {f}
learning timeAnlernzeit {f}
educ. learning toolLerninstrument {n}
educ. learning toolLernmittel {n}
educ. learning toolLernwerkzeug {n}
dent. learning toothbrushLernzahnbürste {f}
learning trainingLerntraining {n}
educ. learning unit [unit of instruction]Lerneinheit {f}
educ. learning variantLernvariante {f}
educ. ling. learning vocabularyLernwortschatz {m}
educ. learning workshopLernwerkstatt {f}
educ. jobs learning workshop [concept to integrate learning and working]Lernstatt {f} ["Lernen in der Werkstatt"]
educ. learning zone [spatial area]Lernzone {f} [räumlicher Bereich]
lifelong learninglebenslanges Lernen {n}
comp. machine learningMaschinenlernen {n} [auch: Maschinen-Lernen]
machine learning [a branch of artificial intelligence]maschinelles Lernen {n}
comp. tech. machine learning <ML>Machine Learning {n} <ML> [maschinelles Lernen]
psych. motor learningmotorisches Lernen {n}
educ. sociol. observational learningBeobachtungslernen {n}
educ. sociol. observational learningIdentifikationslernen {n}
educ. sociol. observational learningImitationslernen {n}
educ. sociol. observational learningModelllernen {n}
educ. sociol. observational learningNachahmungslernen {n}
educ. sociol. observational learningRollenlernen {n} [Beobachtungslernen]
educ. sociol. observational learningModell-Lernen {n} [Rsv.]
educ. sociol. observational learningstellvertretendes Lernen {n} [Lernen am Modell]
educ. sociol. observational learningLernen {n} am Modell
programmed learningprogrammiertes Lernen {n}
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