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 | country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. air, aristocrat, doctor, life, parson] | 511 Land- [z. B. Luft, Adeliger, Arzt, Leben, Pfarrer] |  |
 | rural {adj} | 77 Land- [ländlich, dörflich] |  |
 | biol. terrestrial {adj} [e.g. carnivore, fauna, mammal, plant, vertebrate] | 20 Land- [z. B. Raubtier, Fauna, Säuger, Pflanze, Wirbeltier] |  |
 | ashore {adv} | am Land |  |
 | ashore {adv} [on the shore, on land] | an Land |  |
 | ashore {adv} [to the shore, onto the shore] | ans Land |  |
 | landlocked {adj} | vom Land eingeschlossen |  |
 | landlocked {adj} | von Land umgeben |  |
 | mediterranean {adj} [original meaning] | von Land umgeben |  |
 | nationally {adv} | im ganzen Land |  |
 | nationwide {adj} {adv} | über das ganze Land verbreitet |  |
 | onshore {adv} | an Land |  |
 | overland {adj} {adv} | über Land |  |
 | zool. terrestrial {adj} | Land bewohnend |  |
 | zool. terrestrial {adj} | an Land lebend |  |
Verbs |
 | to land | 1347 landen |  |
 | aviat. to land | 140 aufsetzen [landen] |  |
 | naut. to land | 139 anlegen [Schiff] |  |
 | to land | 57 aufkommen [aufsetzen, auftreffen] |  |
 | transp. to land | 28 ausladen |  |
 | naut. to land [goods] | 20 löschen |  |
 | agr. to cultivate | (Land) bestellen |  |
 | to elapse [e.g. years: go by] | ins Land gehen [Redewendung] [vergehen, verstreichen] |  |
 | hist. to enfeoff sb. | jdm. Land zu Lehen geben |  |
 | to gaff | einen Fisch an Bord / Land ziehen [mit einem Gaff / Landungshaken] |  |
 | to land [to set on land] | an Land bringen |  |
 | to land sb. [to bring into a particular place, position, or condition] | jdn. landen lassen [meist fig., z. B. im Gefängnis] |  |
 | to land sth. [fig.] [coll.] [contract, offer, job etc.] | etw. an Land ziehen [fig.] [ugs.] [oft hum.] |  |
 | sports to land sth. [fishing] [also fig.] | etw. ins Trockene bringen [Angeln] [auch fig.] |  |
 | to rusticate [dated] [to go to live in the countryside] | aufs Land ziehen |  |
 | to scram [coll.] | Land gewinnen [fig.] [ugs.] [Redewendung] [verschwinden] [oft: Sieh zu, dass du Land gewinnst!] |  |
 | to staycation [Br.] [in one's country of residence] | im eigenen Land Urlaub machen |  |
 | agr. to till | Land bestellen |  |
Nouns |
 | country [state, nation] | 2087 Land1 {n} [Staat, Nation] |  |
 | land | 484 Land {n} |  |
 | RealEst. land | 113 Boden {m} [Grundbesitz] |  |
 | admin. state [in Germany or Austria] | 54 Land1 {n} [Bundesland] |  |
 | land [on compact disc] | 52 Erhebung {f} [auf CD] |  |
 | country [countryside, rural area] | 36 Land2 {n} [ländliche Gegend] |  |
 | agr. constr. land {sg} | 21 Flächen {pl} [landwirtschaftlich etc. nutzbare] |  |
 | ground [real estate] | 18 Land2 {n} [Grund und Boden] |  |
 | weapons land | 18 Feld {n} |  |
 | electr. land | 15 Lötauge {n} |  |
 | land [property] | 11 Grund {m} [und Boden] |  |
 | geogr. land | 10 Festland {n} [fester Boden] |  |
 | land | 10 Steg {m} [Fläche zur Befestigung bzw. Führung von Teilen] |  |
 | [land which has been exempted from recoupment charges for public infrastructure] | erschließungsbeitragsfreies Land {n} |  |
 | geol. alluvion [rare] [alluvium] | angeschwemmtes Land {n} |  |
 | mil. pol. belligerent [nation] | kriegführendes Land {n} |  |
 | mil. belligerent [nation] | Krieg führendes Land {n} |  |