Dictionary English German: lab

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NOUN   a lab | labs
SYNO   lab | laboratory | research lab ... 
NOUN   das Lab | -
pol. Lab {adj} [short for: Labour Party] [attr.] [e.g. Lab MP]
Labour- [z. B. Labour-Abgeordneter]
pol. Lab {noun} {adj} [short for: Labour Party] [esp. as noun modifier][kurz für: Labour-Partei]
lab [coll.]
Labor {n}
gastr. rennet
Lab {n}
zool. T
tech. lab [coll.]
Laboratorium {n}
biol. yearning [Br.] [Irish] [Scot.] [regional]
Lab {n}
2 Words: Others
chem. lab-grade {adj} [high purity]technisch rein [Laborchemikalie]
lab-grown {adj}im Labor gezüchtet
2 Words: Nouns
chem. analysis lab [coll.]Analyselabor {n}
chem. analytical lab [coll.]Analyselabor {n}
acad. anat. biol. anatomy lab [coll.]Anatomielabor {n}
med. VetMed. animal lab [coll.]Tierlabor {n}
naut. boat lab [coll.]Schiffslabor {n}
tech. calibration lab [coll.]Kalibrierlabor {n}
MedTech. cath lab [coll.]Katheterlabor {n}
MedTech. catheter laboratory <cath lab>Katheterlabor {n}
MedTech. catheterization laboratory <cath lab>Katheterisierungslabor {n}
chem. chem lab [coll.]Chemielabor {n}
educ. chemistry lab [coll.] [in schools]Chemiesaal {m}
comp. computer lab [coll.]Computerlabor {n}
comp. computer lab [in schools, libraries etc.]Computerraum {m} [in Schulen, Bibliotheken etc.]
concrete labBetonlabor {n}
acad. consultant labKonsiliarlabor {n}
med. pharm. containment lab [coll.]Sicherheitslabor {n}
crime lab [coll.]Kriminallabor {n}
dent. dental lab [coll.]Dentallaboratorium {n}
acad. development lab [coll.]Entwicklungslabor {n}
law tech. forensic lab [coll.]forensisches Labor {n}
law tech. forensic lab [coll.]forensisches Laboratorium {n}
acad. lab accident [coll.]Laborunfall {m}
jobs lab aide [coll.]Laborgehilfe {m}
jobs lab aide [female] [coll.]Laborgehilfin {f}
lab analysis [coll.]Laboranalyse {f}
biol. med. zool. lab animal [coll.]Labortier {n}
biol. med. zool. lab animal [coll.]Versuchstier {n}
tech. lab apron [coll.]Laborschürze {f}
jobs med. lab assistantLaborgehilfe {m}
jobs lab assistant [coll.]Laborant {m}
jobs lab assistant [female] [coll.]Laborantin {f}
tech. lab bench [coll.]Laborarbeitstisch {m}
acad. lab book [coll.] [inventor's notebook]Laborbuch {n}
acad. lab center [Am.] [coll.]Laborzentrum {n}
chem. lab chemical [coll.]Laborchemikalie {f}
cloth. lab coatLaborkittel {m} [mantelartig]
cloth. lab coat [coll.]Labormantel {m}
lab course [coll.]Laborkurs {m}
lab course [coll.]Laborpraktikum {n}
acad. lab data [coll.]Labordaten {pl}
tools lab device [coll.]Laborgerät {n}
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