Dictionary English German: juniper

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NOUN   a juniper | junipers
SYNO   Genista raetam | Retama raetam ... 
SYNO   Juniper | Krammet | Kranewitt ... 
bot. T
2 Words: Nouns
bot. juniper berriesWacholderbeeren {pl}
bot. gastr. juniper berryWacholderbeere {f}
gastr. juniper brandyWacholdergeist {m}
bot. juniper bushWacholderbusch {m}
juniper oilWacholderöl {n}
bot. juniper resinWacholderharz {n}
gastr. juniper syrupWacholdersirup {m}
pharm. juniper tarWacholderteer {m}
gastr. med. pharm. juniper teaWacholdertee {m}
bot. juniper treeWacholderstrauch {m}
oenol. juniper wineWacholderwein {m}
juniper woodWacholderholz {n}
3 Words: Nouns
decoction of juniperAbkochung {f} von Wacholder
pharm. juniper tar oilKadeöl {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
gastr. to interlard / lard sth. with juniper berriesetw. mit Wacholderbeeren spicken
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Juniper Tree [Grimm Brothers]Von dem Machandelboom [Brüder Grimm]
RadioTV F The Life and Times of Juniper LeeJuniper Lee
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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