Dictionary English German: je

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SYNO   je | jemals | in Abhängigkeit [von] ... 
each {adv} <ea.>
je [jeweils]
ever {adv}
je [jemals]
per {prep} [for each; for every]
je [pro, per]
a {prep} [per]
je [+Akk.] [pro]
geogr. Jersey <.je> [island]Jersey {n}
dent. junctional epithelium <JE>Saumepithel {n}
2 Words: Others
... than ever... denn je
per unit {adv}je Einheit
per unit of weight {adv}je Gewichtseinheit
each {adv} [per head]je Kopf
a head {adv}je Kopf
per capita {adv}je Kopf
the more ...je mehr ...
per minute {adv}je Minute
according to {prep}je nach
depending on {prep}je nach
subject to {prep}je nach [+Dat.]
per second {adv}je Sekunde
apiece {adv}je Stück
a day {adv} [per day]je Tag
per day {adv}je Tag
econ. fin. per diem {adv} <p.d.>je Tag
econ. per ton {adv} <p.t.>je Tonne
per unit volume {adv}je Volumeneinheit
the less ...je weniger ...
a week {adv}je Woche
per week {adv}je Woche
math. phys. per unit time {adv}je Zeiteinheit
rarely {adv}kaum je
almost never {adv}kaum je
seldom if ever {adv}kaum je
Gah!Oh je!
Oops!Oh je!
Ay me! [archaic] [poet.]Oh je!
Oh dear!Oh je!
since time immemorial {adv}seit je
Geez. [Am.] [coll.]Ui je! [österr.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
med. VetMed. Japanese encephalitis <JE>Japanische Enzephalitis {f} <JE>
3 Words: Others
... than ever before {adv}... als je zuvor
..., as the case may be...., je nachdem.
comm. according to expenditure {adv}(je) nach Aufwand
as needed {adv}(je) nach Bedarf
fin. depending on the cash situation {adv}(je) nach Kassenlage
fin. depending on the financial situation {adv}(je) nach Kassenlage
more topical than ever {adj}aktueller denn je
better than everbesser denn je
bigger than ever before {adj}größer denn je
largest-ever {adj}größte je dagewesene
the ... the [e.g. the bigger the better]je ..., desto [z. B. je größer, desto besser]
the ... the [e.g. the bigger the better]je ..., je [z. B. je größer, je besser] [noch in „je länger, je lieber / mehr“, sonst veraltet] [je ..., desto / umso]
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