| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | mad {adj} [insane] | 3410 irre [ugs. sonst veraltet] [wahnsinnig] |  |
 | funky {adj} [coll.] [modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way] | 306 irre [ugs.] [salopp] [vom Üblichen abweichend, ausgefallen] |  |
 | ridiculous {adj} | 224 irre [absurd, lächerlich] |  |
 | lunatic {adj} [coll., otherwise archaic] [insane] | 207 irre [ugs. sonst veraltet] [wahnsinnig] |  |
 | loco {adj} [coll.] | 151 irre [ugs.] |  |
 | rad {adj} [coll.] | 136 irre [ugs.] [großartig] |  |
 | crazy {adj} | 63 irre |  |
 | freaky {adj} [coll.] [weird] | 57 irre [ugs.] [merkwürdig] |  |
 | gas {adj} [sl.] [excellent] | 47 irre [ugs.] [großartig] |  |
 | manic {adj} [grin, laughter, sense of humour] | 39 irre |  |
 | insanely {adv} | 21 irre [reden] |  |
 | amazing {adj} | 14 irre [ugs.] [klasse, toll] |  |
 | awesome {adj} [coll.] [excellent, exciting] | 11 irre [ugs.] [klasse, toll] |  |
 | freakish {adj} [weird] | 11 irre [ugs.] [merkwürdig] |  |
 | sicko {adj} [coll.] | 7 irre |  |
 | nuts {adj} [coll.] [pred.] | 7 irre [ugs.] |  |
 | crazily {adv} | irre |  |
 | magic {adj} [coll.] [great, excellent] | irre [ugs.] [klasse, toll] |  |
 | mind-blowing {adj} [coll.] | irre [ugs.] [umwerfend] |  |
Nouns |
 | med. psych. lunatic [female] | 135 Irre {f} [ugs. oder fachspr. veraltet] |  |
 | nutcase [female] [coll.] | 34 Irre {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | moron [female] [coll.] | 29 Irre {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | headcase [female] [coll.] [pej.] | 28 Irre {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | med. psych. psychotic [female] | 18 Irre {f} [ugs. oder fachspr. veraltet] |  |
 | med. psych. madwoman | 13 Irre {f} [ugs. oder veraltet] |  |
 | freak [female] | 11 Irre {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | maniac [female] | 10 Irre {f} [ugs. oder veraltet] |  |
 | head case [female] [coll.] [pej.] | Irre {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | psychotics | Irre {pl} [ugs. oder veraltet] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | cray-cray {adj} [pej.] [sl.] | echt irre [ugs.] |  |
 | stonking {adj} [Br.] [coll.] | irre gut [ugs.] [veraltend] |  |
 | zany {adj} [coll.] | irre komisch [ugs.] |  |
 | sb./sth. misdirects | jd./etw. führt irre |  |
 | sb./sth. misleads | jd./etw. führt irre |  |
 | sb./sth. misguides | jd./etw. leitet irre |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to bewilder | irre machen [alt] |  |
 | to go crackers [coll.] | irre werden [alt] |  |
 | to go nuts [coll.] [idiom] | irre werden [ugs.] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Are you daft? [Br.] [coll.] | Bist du irre? [ugs.] |  |
 | The crazy thing is ... | Das Irre ist ... |  |
 | afield {adv} | in der Irre |  |
 | astray {adv} | in der Irre |  |
 | astray {adv} | in die Irre |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | That blows my mind. [coll.] | Das finde ich irre. [ugs.] |  |
 | idiom That's far out! [coll.] | Das ist ja irre! [ugs.] |  |
 | sth. is misleading | etw. führt in die Irre |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to mislead | in die Irre führen |  |
 | to lead astray | in die Irre führen |  |
 | to get lost [idiom] | in die Irre gehen [geh.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | to lead sb. astray | jdn. in die Irre führen |  |