Dictionary English German: interest group

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NOUN   an interest group | interest groups
SYNO   interest | interest group
comp. econ. Small Form Factor Special Interest Group <SFF-SIG>Small Form Factor Special Interest Group {f} <SFF-SIG> [Interessengruppe für kleine Formfaktoren (wörtl. übersetzt)]
interest groupInteressengemeinschaft {f}
interest groupInteressengruppe {f}
interest groupInteressenverband {m}
interest groupInteressensgruppe {f} [selten] [Interessengruppe]
public interest groupöffentliche Interessengruppe {f}
psych. self-interest of the groupGruppenegoismus {m}
pol. interest group politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.]Interessengruppenpolitik {f}
pol. special interest group [esp. in political lobbying]Interessenvertretung {f} [Interessengruppe bes. für politische Lobbyarbeit]
Partial Matches
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Karbonylgruppe {f} [Rsv.] <CO-Gruppe>
chem. aldehyde group <CHO group>Aldehydgruppe {f} <CHO-Gruppe>
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Carbonylgruppe {f} <CO-Gruppe>
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Ketogruppe {f} <CO-Gruppe>
chem. isocyanate group <NCO group>Isocyanatgruppe {f} <NCO-Gruppe>
chem. aldehyde group <CHO group>Aldehyd-Gruppe {f} <CHO-Gruppe>
chem. isocyanate group <NCO group>Isocyanat-Gruppe {f} <NCO-Gruppe>
nominal group technique <NGT>Nominal-Group-Technik {f} <NGT>
Internet chat groupChat-Group {f} [Rsv.]
to interestinteressieren
law interestAnspruch {m}
interestAnteil {m}
interestBedeutung {f}
interestBelang {m}
interestInteresse {n}
law interestRechtsanspruch {m}
fin. interestVerzinsung {f}
interestWichtigkeit {f}
fin. interestZins {m}
interest [advantage]Vorteil {m}
interest [welfare]Anwartschaft {f}
fin. interest {sg}Zinsen {pl}
fin. bearing interest {adj}verzinslich
fin. fixed-interest {adj}festverzinslich
for interest {adv}interessehalber
fin. interest bearing {adj}zinsbringend
fin. interest bearing {adj}zinstragend
fin. interest earning {adj}zinsbringend
fin. interest-bearing {adj}verzinslich
fin. interest-bearing {adj}zinspflichtig
fin. interest-elastic {adj}zinselastisch
fin. interest-free {adj}unverzinslich
fin. interest-free {adj}unverzinst
fin. interest-free {adj}zinsfrei
fin. interest-free {adj}zinslos
fin. interest-paying {adj}verzinst
fin. interest-yielding {adj}zinstragend
fin. paid interest {past-p}verzinst
fin. (interest) capitalizationAufzinsung {f}
absolute interestAlleinbesitz {m}
fin. insur. actuarial interestRechnungszins {m}
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