Dictionary English German: ins

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SYNO   INS ... 
into (the) {prep}ins [in das]
ins and outs [idiom]Besonderheiten {pl}
ins and outs [idiom]Details {pl}
built-insEinbaumöbel {pl}
built-insEinbauten {pl}
break-ins [burglaries]Einbrüche {pl}
comp. insert key <Ins>Einfügentaste {f} <Einfg> [selten neben: Einfügetaste]
comp. insert key <Ins>Einfügetaste {f} <Einfg>
electr. feed-insEinspeisungen {pl}
inertial navigation system <INS>Trägheitsnavigationssystem {n}
2 Words: Others
into abstruseness {adv}ins Abstruse
sports into touch [football]ins Aus
abroad {adv} [to a foreign country or to foreign countries]ins Ausland
overseas {adv} [to foreign country]ins Ausland
to Alsace {adv}ins Elsass
afield {adv}ins Feld
indoors {adv} [move]ins Haus
inward {adv}ins Innere
geogr. to the interior of the island {adv}ins Inselinnere
into the heart of the countryins Landesinnere
sports into touch {adv} [football / soccer]ins Seitenaus [Fußball]
downtown {adv} [Am.]ins Stadtzentrum
ad infinitum {adj} {adv}ins Unendliche
in rough {adv}ins Unreine [geschrieben]
2 Words: Verbs
to know the ins and outs [coll.] [idiom]Bescheid wissen [sich genau auskennen]
to go to [prison, hospital]ins ... kommen
2 Words: Nouns
comp. add-insAdd-ins {pl}
the ins and outsalle Einzelheiten {pl}
econ. EU "in" countries <Ins>In-countries {pl} <Ins> [Länder, die die EU-Konvergenzkriterien erfüllen]
aviat. mil. tech. inertial navigation system <INS>inertiales Navigationssystem {n} <INS>
med. infantile nystagmus syndrome <INS>infantiles Nystagmussyndrom {n} <INS>
anat. biol. intrinsic nervous system <INS> [enteric nervous system]intrinsisches Nervensystem {n} <INS>
comp. plug-insPlug-ins {pl}
econ. pre-ins [late Maastricht entrants]Pre-Ins {pl} [Maastricht-Nachzügler]
Immigration and Naturalization Service <INS>US-Einwanderungsbehörde {f}
3 Words: Others
memorized {adj}(ins Gedächtnis) eingeprägt
ad nauseam {adv}bis ins Aschgraue [ugs.] [Redewendung] [bis zum Überdruss]
in every detail {adv}bis ins Detail
elaborately {adv}bis ins einzelne
to the core {adv} [to the depths of one's being]bis ins Herz [fig.]
to the core {adv}bis ins Innerste
marrow-deep {adv}bis ins Mark
to the core {adv}bis ins Mark
spot-on {adj} {adv} [Br.] [coll.]genau ins Schwarze [ugs.]
dashy {adj}ins Auge fallend
eye-catching {adj}ins Auge fallend
envisaging {adj}ins Auge fassend
salient {adj}ins Auge springend
eye-catching {adj}ins Auge springend
foreign-going {adj}ins Ausland gehend
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