Dictionary English German: infidel

Translation 1 - 4 of 4

English German
ADJ   infidel | more infidel | most infidel
NOUN   an infidel | infidels
SYNO   gentile | heathen | infidel | pagan
relig. infidel {adj} [archaic] [often pej.] [unbelieving, godless, also: heretical]
ungläubig [gottlos, auch: irrgläubig]
relig. infidel [archaic] [often pej.] [unbeliever, godless person, also: heretic]
Ungläubiger {m} [Gottloser, auch: Irrgläubiger]
relig. infidel [female]
Ungläubige {f}
film F The Infidel [Josh Appignanesi]Alles koscher!
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