Dictionary English German: industry

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NOUN1   an industry | industries
NOUN2   industry [industriousness, diligence] | -
SYNO   industry | manufacture | diligence ... 
ind. industry
Industrie {f}
econ. industry [type of trade]
Branche {f}
ind. industry
Gewerbe {n}
industry [industriousness, diligence]
Fleiß {m}
econ. industry [type of trade]
Wirtschaftszweig {m}
industry [industriousness]
Emsigkeit {f}
ind. industry [branch of industry]
Industriezweig {m}
pol. Industry [USA] [Utah state motto]
Fleiß [Motto des US-Staates Utah]
industry [industriousness]Gewerbefleiß {m} [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
ind. cross-industry {adj}branchenübergreifend
industry wideauf Industrieebene
industry wideauf Wirtschaftszweigebene
comm. econ. industry-leading {adj} [attr.]branchenführend
industry-oriented {adj} [e.g. research]industrienah [z. B. Forschung]
industry-related {adj}industrienah
comm. ind. industry-specific {adj}branchenspezifisch
industry-specific {adj}industriespezifisch
industry-sponsored {adj}von der Industrie gesponsert
engin. industry-tailored {adj} [e.g. measuring technique]produktionsumfeldgerecht [z. B. Messtechnik]
industry-wide {adj}branchenweit
industry-wide {adj}auf Industrieebene
industry-wide {adj}auf Wirtschaftszweigebene
2 Words: Nouns
ind. abrasives industrySchleifmittelindustrie {f}
abrasives industrySchmirgelmittelindustrie {f}
ad industryWerbeindustrie {f}
market. ad industry [coll.]Werbebranche {f}
econ. market. advertising industryWerbebranche {f}
advertising industryWerbeindustrie {f}
econ. market. advertising industryWerbewirtschaft {f}
aviat. aeronautical industryFlugzeugindustrie {f}
aviat. aerospace industryLuftfahrtindustrie {f}
astronau ind. aerospace industryRaumfahrtindustrie {f}
astronau aviat. ind. aerospace industryLuft- und Raumfahrtindustrie {f}
agr. econ. ind. agricultural industryAgrarbranche {f}
agr. econ. ind. agricultural industryAgrarindustrie {f}
agr. econ. agricultural industryAgrarwirtschaft {f}
agr. agricultural industryLandwirtschaftsindustrie {f}
ailing industrynotleidende Branche {f}
aviat. aircraft industryFlugzeugindustrie {f}
aviat. ind. aircraft industryLuftfahrtindustrie {f}
aircraft industryLuftfahrzeugbau {m}
aviat. econ. airline industryLuftfahrtbranche {f}
aviat. airline industryLuftfahrtindustrie {f}
aviat. airline industryLuftfahrtsindustrie {f} [selten neben: Luftfahrtindustrie]
ind. aluminum industry [Am.]Aluminiumindustrie {f}
amusement industryVergnügungsindustrie {f}
ind. ancillary industryZulieferindustrie {f}
agr. econ. ind. animal industryTierindustrie {f}
agr. animal industryViehwirtschaft {f}
apparel industryBekleidungsindustrie {f}
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