Dictionary English German: incurred

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
VERB  to incur | incurred | incurred ... 
incurred {adj} {past-p}
incurred {adj} {past-p} [losses etc.; more often in postpos. than not]
erlitten [Verluste etc.]
sb. incurred sth.jd. zog sichDat. etw. zu
2 Words
when sb. incurred sth.als jd. sich etw. zuzog
fin. to be incurredanfallen
costs incurredanfallende Kosten {pl}
costs incurredangefallene Kosten {pl}
costs incurredaufgelaufene Kosten {pl}
expenses incurredangefallene Kosten {pl}
incurred cost {sg}angefallene Kosten {pl}
incurred costsangefallene Kosten {pl}
incurred costsentstandene Kosten {pl}
incurred liabilitieseingegangene Verpflichtungen {pl}
3 Words
Expenses are incurred.Kosten fallen an.
(actual) expenses incurredaufgewendete Spesen {pl}
any expenses incurredalle angefallenen Spesen {pl}
costs incurred becauseKosten {pl}, die entstehen, weil
fin. costs thereby incurredKosten {pl}, die dabei anfallen
4 Words
[things] which shall be incurred [e.g. costs][Dinge,] die übernommen werden müssen [z. B. Kosten]
to pay all charges incurredalle angefallenen Gebühren tragen
to pay all costs incurredalle angefallenen Kosten tragen
to pay all costs incurredalle angelaufenen Kosten tragen [seltener]
to pay all costs incurredalle aufgelaufenen Kosten tragen
5+ Words
no expenses to be incurredohne Kosten
Violators are liable for all costs and expenses incurred.Fehlbare werden für Umtriebe behaftet. [schweiz.] [Zuwiderhandelnde haften für entstehende Kosten.]
any charges incurred by banksalle Gebühren {pl}, die den Banken entstehen
any expenses incurred by banksalle Auslagen {pl}, die den Banken entstehen
law cost / costs of litigation incurred by a party / the partiesParteikosten {pl}
insur. incurred but not reported claim <IBNR claim>Spätschaden {m}
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