Dictionary English German: incredibly

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
SYNO   fabulously | fantastically ... 
incredibly {adv}
incredibly {adv}
incredibly {adv}
unheimlich [unglaublich, ungeheuer]
incredibly {adv}
incredibly {adv}
unwahrscheinlich [ugs.] [sehr]
incredibly {adv}
bestechend [schön, logisch]
incredibly {adv}
unerhört [überaus]
incredibly {adv}
tierisch [ugs.]
incredibly {adv} [coll.]
unsterblich [ugs.] [fig.] [außerordentlich]
incredibly {adv}unglaublicherweise
incredibly {adv}unwahrscheinlicherweise
incredibly {adv} [coll.]mordsmäßig [ugs.]
incredibly {adv} [e.g. beautiful]über alle Begriffe [z. B. schön]
2 Words: Others
incredibly big {adj}unheimlich groß [ugs.]
incredibly fast {adj} {adv}wahnsinnig schnell [ugs.]
incredibly handy {adj}wahnsinnig praktisch [ugs.]
incredibly hideous {adj}abgrundhässlich
incredibly hideous {adj}abgrundhäßlich [alt]
incredibly hideous {adj}grundhässlich
incredibly important {adj}unglaublich wichtig
incredibly long {adj} [coll.]ellenlang [ugs.]
incredibly stupid {adj}selten dämlich [ugs.]
incredibly stupid {adj}ungeheuer dumm
incredibly stupid {adj} [coll.]unglaublich dämlich [ugs.]
incredibly tall {adj} [coll.] [person]ellenlang [ugs.] [Person]
incredibly ugly {adj}grottenhässlich [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
to be incredibly famished [coll.]einen Mordshunger haben [ugs.]
to be incredibly hungryeinen Mordshunger haben [ugs.]
to be incredibly lucky(ein) unglaubliches Glück haben
to be incredibly stupidvor Dummheit schreien [ugs.]
to be incredibly thick [coll.]vor Dummheit schreien [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
incredibly good luckMordsglück {n} [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to be incredibly well informedverblüffend gut Bescheid wissen [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
quote And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty]An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben.
proverb Better smart in secret than incredibly stupid. [German pun on: heimlich / unheimlich]Lieber heimlich schlau als unheimlich doof.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be (incredibly) grateful to sb. for sth.jdm. für etw.Akk. (unglaublich) dankbar sein
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close [Jonathan Safran Foer]Extrem laut und unglaublich nah
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