Dictionary English German: hunter's

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gastr. chasseur [hunter's sauce]
Jägersoße {f}
2 Words
gastr. hunter's style [prepos. or postpos.] [e.g. in recipes, on menus](nach) Jägerart [nachgestellt] [z. B. in Rezepten, auf Speisekarten]
hunting hunter's bagJagdtasche {f}
hunting hunter's branchSchützenbruch {m}
hunting hunter's branch [shooter's branch]Erlegerbruch {m} [Schützenbruch]
hunter's cabinJagdhütte {f}
hunting hunter's cunningJägerlist {f}
hunter's cunningWaidmannslist {f}
med. Hunter's glossitisHunter-Glossitis {f}
hunter's greetingJägergruß {m}
cloth. hunter's habit [archaic]Jägerkleid {n} [veraltet]
hunting ling. hunter's jargonJägersprache {f}
hunter's lodgeJagdhütte {f}
astron. hunter's moon [full moon in the month of October]Jägermond {m}
gastr. hunter's sauceJägersoße {f}
cloth. hunting hunter's suitJägeranzug {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
zool. T
bot. T
orn. T
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