Dictionary English German: human growth hormone

Translation 1 - 50 of 1455  >>

NOUN   a human growth hormone | human growth hormones
SYNO   STH | growth hormone ... 
Keywords contained
med. recombinant human growth hormonerekombinantes humanes Wachstumshormon {n}
med. human growth hormone <HGH, hGH>humanes Wachstumshormon {n} <hGH>
med. human growth hormone <HGH> <hGH>menschliches Wachstumshormon {n} <hGH>
Partial Matches
biochem. med. growth hormone <GH>Wachstumshormon {n}
biochem. growth hormone deficiencyWachstumshormondefizit {n}
VetMed. bovine growth hormone <BGH>bovines Wachstumshormon {n} <bGH>
med. growth hormone deficiency <GHD>Wachstumshormonmangel {m} <WHM>
biochem. biol. growth hormone receptor <GHR>Somatotropin-Rezeptor {m}
biol. growth hormone release inducing {adj} <ghrelin>Wachstumshormonfreisetzung einleitend [die Freisetzung von Wachstumshormonen einleitend]
biochem. growth hormone binding protein <GH binding protein, GHBP>Somatropin-bindendes Protein {n}
biochem. luteinising-hormone releasing hormone <LHRH> [Br.]luteinisierendes Hormon-freisetzendes Hormon {n} <LHRH>
biochem. luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone <LHRH>luteinisierendes Hormon-freisetzendes Hormon {n} <LHRH>
med. VetMed. human respiratory syncytial virus <human RSV, HRSV>humanes respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus {n} <humanes RSV, HRSV>
med. human-to-human transmission <HHT>Mensch-zu-Mensch-Übertragung {f}
biochem. biol. med. hormoneHormon {n}
hormone-dependent {adj}hormonabhängig
hormone-driven {adj}hormongesteuert [triebgesteuert]
biochem. hormone-independent {adj}hormonunabhängig
biol. hormone-induced {adj}hormoninduziert
hormone-like {adj}hormonähnlich
hormone-producing {adj}hormonproduzierend
biol. hormone-related {adj}hormonverwandt
med. adrenal hormoneNebennierenhormon {n}
zool. eyestalk hormoneAugenstielhormon {n} [Neurohormon höherer Krebse]
bot. flowering hormoneBlühhormon {n}
biochem. gastrointestinal hormonegastrointestinales Hormon {n}
biochem. glandular hormoneDrüsenhormon {n}
biochem. happiness hormoneGlückshormon {n}
pharm. hormone antagonistHormonantagonist {m}
pharm. hormone antagonistsHormonantagonisten {pl}
chem. hormone assayHormonbestimmung {f}
hormone balanceHormonhaushalt {m}
pharm. hormone blockerHormonblocker {m}
pharm. hormone blockersHormonblocker {pl}
hormone concentrationHormonspiegel {m}
med. hormone cycleHormonzyklus {m}
med. hormone deficiencyHormonmangel {m}
biochem. hormone dependenceHormonabhängigkeit {f}
med. hormone disorderHormonstörung {f}
med. hormone fluctuationsHormonschwankungen {pl}
med. hormone imbalancehormonelles Ungleichgewicht {n}
biol. med. hormone imbalanceHormonungleichheit {f}
biochem. hormone independenceHormonunabhängigkeit {f}
med. hormone injectionHormonspritze {f}
hormone levelHormonspiegel {m}
biochem. hormone mechanismHormonmechanismus {m}
pharm. hormone modulatorHormonmodulator {m}
pharm. hormone modulatorsHormonmodulatoren {pl}
pharm. hormone patchHormonpflaster {n}
pharm. hormone preparationHormonpräparat {n}
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