Dictionary English German: horse

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NOUN1   horse [sl.] [heroin] | -
NOUN2   a horse | horses
VERB  to horse | horsed | horsed ... 
NOUN   das Horse | -
equest. zool. horse {adj} [attr.]
equest. zool. horse2
Pferd {n}
equest. zool. horse2
Ross {n} [geh.] [edles Pferd] [südd., österr., schweiz. auch: (allg.) Pferd]
zool. horse2
Gaul {m}
drugs horse1 [sl.]
Heroin {n}
zool. horse2
Roß {n} [alt]
zool. horseRössel {n} [regional]
zool. horseRössl {n} [südd.]
zool. horseRössle {n} [südd.]
zool. horseRößlein {n} [veralt.]
mil. horse1 [cavalry]Kavallerie {f}
agr. zool. T
drugs horse [sl.] [heroin]Horse {n} [ugs.] [Heroin]
zool. rattail [a horse's tail with little or no hair]Rattenschweif {m} [Pferd]
2 Words: Others
hist. mil. horse drawn {adj} [also: horse-drawn]bespannt <besp.>
Horse hockey! [Am.] [coll.]Unsinn!
horse-drawn {adj}pferdebespannt
rail tech. traffic horse-drawn {adj}pferdebetrieben
horse-drawn {adj}pferdegezogen
horse-drawn {adj}von Pferden gezogen
horse-faced {adj} [Am.] [fig.] [having a large face with lantern jaws and large teeth]pferdegesichtig
equest. one-horse {adj} [attr.] [carriage]einspännig
two-horse {adj} [attr.]zweispännig
2 Words: Verbs
drugs to do horse [sl.]Heroin nehmen
to horse about [coll.]herumalbern [ugs.]
to horse about [coll.]herumblödeln [ugs.]
to horse around [coll.]albern
to horse around [coll.]herumalbern [ugs.]
to horse around [coll.]herumblödeln [ugs.]
to horse around [coll.]Blödsinn machen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
(horse) buggiesKutschen {pl}
(horse) carousel [Am.]Reitschule {f} [veraltet] [regional] [Pferdekarussell]
equest. (horse) crestMähnenkamm {m}
equest. (horse) fodderPferdefutter {n}
(horse) roundaboutReitschule {f} [veraltet] [regional] [Pferdekarussell]
equest. (horse) rugPferdedecke {f}
equest. (horse) slinkyMähnenschutz {m}
equest. (horse) trappings {pl}Prunkgeschirr {n} [für Pferde]
sports (vaulting) horsePferd {n}
sports (vaulting) horse [gymnastics]Bock {m} [Turnen]
sports (vaulting) horse [gymnastics]Sprungpferd {n} [Gerät]
equest. zool. Andalusian horseAndalusier {m}
equest. Arab (horse)Araber {m} [Pferderasse]
equest. backed horse [horse racing]gewettetes Pferd {n}
equest. bald horseBläss {m} [selten] [Pferd mit Blesse]
equest. bald horseBlesse {m} [selten] [Pferd mit gleichnamigem Stirnfleck]
equest. balky horsestörrisches Pferd {n}
equest. hist. Baroque horseBarockpferd {n}
equest. bay horserotbraunes Pferd {n}
equest. bitted horseaufgezäumtes Pferd {n}
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