Dictionary English German: hooked

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
ADJ   hooked | more hooked | most hooked
VERB  to hook | hooked | hooked ... 
SYNO   aquiline | hooked | hooked | hooklike ... 
hooked {adj} [coll.] [addicted]
hooked {adj}
hooked {adj} {past-p}
hooked {past-p}
sb./sth. hooked
jd./etw. hakte
hooked {adj} [hook-shaped]hakig
sth. hookedetw. hakte ein
2 Words: Others
because sth. hookedweil etw. einhakte
hooked into {past-p}eingehakt
hooked on [drugs etc.]süchtig nach
2 Words: Verbs
to be hooked [coll.]gefangen sein [fig.] [gebannt sein; in hohem Maß von etw. begeistert]
to be hooked [fig.]angebissen haben [fig.]
to be hooked [fig.]Feuer und Flamme sein [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
hooked bladeHakenklinge {f}
bot. hooked bristlesHakenstacheln {pl}
hooked forceps {pl} [one pair]Hakenpinzette {f}
tech. hooked nailHakennagel {m}
anat. hooked noseAdlernase {f} [ugs. für: Höckernase]
hooked noseHakennase {f}
anat. hooked noseHöckernase {f}
hooked nosegekrümmte Nase {f}
hooked tweezers {pl} [one pair]Hakenpinzette {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be hooked (on sb./ sth.) [coll.] [obsessed with, enthusiastic about]total begeistert sein (von jdm./etw.) [ugs.]
drugs to be hooked on sth. [coll.] [unable to stop taking / doing sth.]von etw.Dat. abhängig sein
to become hooked on sth. [coll.]süchtig nach etw.Dat. werden
to get hooked on sth. [sl.]nach etw.Dat. süchtig werden
to get sb. hooked on sth. [sl.]jdn. mit etw.Dat. anfixen [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
hooked bead rimWulstfelge {f}
orn. hooked beak / billHakenschnabel {m}
4 Words: Verbs
drugs to be hooked on cocaine [coll.]ein Kokser sein [ugs.]
drugs to be hooked on drugsdrogenabhängig sein
drugs to be hooked on heroin [coll.]heroinsüchtig sein
drugs to be hooked on heroin [coll.]an der Nadel hängen [ugs.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
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